जितके शब्द, तितक्या छटा. शब्द माहिती असणं वेगळं आणि आणि शब्द 'समजणं' वेगळं. पांढऱ्या फुलांच्या हारामध्ये एखादे रंगीत फूल जसे उठावदार आणि आकर्षक दिसते, तसे इंग्रजी वाक्यांमध्ये एखादा हटके शब्द एक आगळीक आणि गोडी निर्माण करतो.

अशाच प्रकारच्या शब्दांची Marathi to English शब्दमाला ह्या भागापासून सुरु होत आहे. विद्यार्थी मित्रांना याचा नक्कीच फायदा होईल. इंग्रजी भाषा लिहिताना मराठी शब्दसमूहासाठी कधी कधी प्रतिशब्द सुचत नाहीत. जे काही वारंवार येत नाहीत, पण अर्थपूर्ण आहेत, असे काही शब्द (शब्दांचे अर्थ व वाक्यात उपयोग) येथे दिले आहेत.

Words from Marathi to English
कॅलीग्राफी: बी.जी लिमये
मराठी शब्दसमूहासाठी इंग्रजी प्रतिशब्द
▪ नाजूक आणि सुंदर = dainty
A dainty lacework on the satin cloth.

▪ लाजिरवाणा = ignominious
The team returned after an ignominious performance at the Olympics.

▪ एकामागून एक असा वर्षाव = a flurry of
The opponent was stunned by a flurry of smashes by Sindhu.

▪ माकडचेष्टा = antics
Charlie Chaplin's antics made the boys roll with laughter.

▪ एखाद्याची चेष्टा करणे = to take a dig at someone
You are allowed to take a dig at someone while ragging, but not expected to cause any physical harm.

▪ प्रतीक = epitome
Kailash temple at Ellora is the epitome of classical Indian architecture.

▪ च्या पार्श्वभूमीवर = in the backdrop of
Our majestic guest house stands at the backdrop of Sahyadri mountains.

▪ नैतिकतेचा ऱ्हास = decadence
This has been an era of scientific discoveries and decadence, both.

▪ च्या ठिकाणी मुक्काम करणे = to have a stopover at
We will have a stopover at the waterfall before we climb the fort hill.

▪ प्रदर्शन करणे = to showcase/ to stage
It is customary to showcase/ to stage your military power before you actually engage in war.

▪ चोरून पाहणे = to have a sneak peek at
The groom had a sneak peek at the bride who had just arrived in the pendal.

▪ दुःखी होणे = to feel cast down/ to be downcast
Deepak felt cast down/ was downcast after he lost the distinction by one mark.

▪ आपणहून, स्वतःहून = of its own accord
Everybody says that the fire broke out of its own accord

▪ एक पुसटशी कल्पना येईल असे (वर्णन) = sketchy
This is just a sketchy description of the blast, the video will give you a clear idea.

▪ वरून कमानीसारखी उडी मारणे = to vault over
As the gate was closed, the bull vaulted over the fencing.

▪ कित्येक = on end
The musicians practiced for weeks on end before actual rendition.

▪ न आवडणे = averse to
I am averse to doing things in an underhand way.

▪ होकार = assent
We need the President's accent to process this payment.

▪ नेहेमी होत राहणारे = continual
Upgrading of any software is a cotinual process.

▪ शरीर धारण करून राहणारे = Corporeal
Punishment given to corporeal individuals is called as corporal punishment.

▪ नजीकच्या भविष्यात होईल असा = imminent
The famine is imminent in the province of eminent (ख्यातनाम) leaders.

▪ बुडणे = to sink, to drown
The ship sank and 45 people drowned.

▪ झुंडीच्या झुंडी = hordes of
Hordes of invaders attacked India through the Cyber pass.

▪ फसवा = illusory
This evidence is illusory.

▪ प्रत्यक्षापासून दूर नेणारे, भ्रामक = illusive
Most advertisements are ilusive.

▪ भोळा = credulous
Don't be credulous while dealing with debtors.

▪ ऐतिहासिक = historic, historical
This historical monument has been erected to commemorate the historic victory over the Nazis.

▪ कायमचे पुसून टाकणे = erase
In spite of the fact that evidence was erased, the CBI found out the criminal.

▪ नापसंतीजनक खेद व्यक्त करणे = to depricate/ to deplore
I depricate/ deplore your persistent indulgence in smoking.

▪ अर्धांगिनी = consort
Parvati is Shiva's divine consort.

▪ राजदरबारी रुजू असलेले = imperial
Four noblemen were employed in the imperial service of imperious ruler. (imperious = गर्विष्ठ)

▪ तारतम्याने, सद्सद्विवेकबुद्धी जागृत ठेऊन = concentiously, judiciously
One should be very conscious/ judicious while giving financial help to the poor.

▪ गूढ अर्थाने परिपूर्ण = mystic, mystical
Mystic poets write mystical poems with nebulous (संदिग्ध) meanings.

▪ शासनाने केलेला कायदा = ordinance
The governance passed ordinance against killing cows.

A good book should leave you... slightly exhausted at the end. You live several lives while reading it.
― William Styron
▪ वरवर दिखाऊ, आतमध्ये छुपाऊ = ostensible
There are many swindlers (ठग) in the lane with ostensible occupations.

▪ मन वळवण्यासाठी खटाटोप करणे = to persuade
It is never easy to persuade an atheist (नास्तिक).

▪ कारुण्यपूर्ण = piteous
Piteous cries of the puppy attracted the pitiful (दयापूर्ण) looks of the by-passers.

▪ कायदेशीर, सत्याने परिपूर्ण = rightful
The righteous (सत्यप्रिय) persons will always do rightful duties.

▪ आत्म्याला सुख पोहोचवणारे = sensuous
People who seek sensuous pleasures will never go for sensual (इंद्रियजन्य) pleasures.

▪ ऐहिक, नश्वर = temporal
The whole world is fascinated by all temporal gratifications, this is maya.

▪ एखाद्याबरोबर मतभेद निर्माण होणे = to be at variance/ dissent with someone
America and China are always at variance/ dissent with each other.

▪ अति पाल्हाळ लावून सांगितलेले = verbose
You will lose your impression if you continue to be verbose and exaggerating in your emails.

▪ विद्रुप करणे = to maim
Her face is maimed after acid attack.

▪ संपूर्ण लक्ष घालून = mindful
Be mindful of spellings while writing essay in the paper.

▪ सारखा चिडचिड करणारा = grouchy
Siamese cats are known for their grouchy nature.

▪ कट्टर, हेकेखोर = sworn
A sworn critic can never have an all-consuming lust for enjoying his life.

▪ हुलकावणी देणे = to evade
Be ready to pay heavy penalty if you are planning to evade tax notice.

▪ शाही लवाजमा = royal entourage
The royal entourage for king Akbar consisted of 25 elephants, 45 horses and 12 palanquins.

▪ पांडित्यप्रचुर = grandiloquent
His grandiloquent lecture only served to annoy the audience.

▪ च्या वर ताबा ठेवणे = to hold in check
Hold your desires in check or they will destroy you.

▪ पूर्ण बहरात = in full bloom
A lotus in full bloom looks beautiful in the moonlight.

▪ च्या बद्दल आकर्षण वाटणे = to have a crush on
Lauprasad used to have a crush on a certain Bollywood actress.

▪ प्रगटपणे, खुल्लमखुल्ला = overt
India did not use overt military force against Pak.

▪ अंगावर चढवणे = to don
Everyone in the infantry had donned armour (चिलखत) before going to the battlefield.

▪ वाजवीपेक्षा जास्त वाढवून-चढवून सांगणे = to exalt/ to aggrandize
Only national heroes should be exalted/ aggrandized and none else.

▪ खजिन्याची पेटी = coffer
The empress was informed that all the coffers in the fort were found empty.

▪ पराक्रमाची दीर्घ गाथा = saga
The history of Chittor is the saga of valor of the Rajputs.

▪ एक विशिष्ट घटकांचा समूह = a bevy of
Pururava entrusted the bevy of apsaras to the care of Gandharva.

▪ अत्यंत तीव्रतेने = with a vengeance
The wind and rain came suddenly with a vengeance, breaking window panes.

▪ विसंगती = incongruity
This incongruity in your clothes and make-up does not make any sense to me.

▪ भडकपणे, ठळकपणे = glaringly
Glaringly obvious truths that have been ignored for too long.

▪ -bound = च्या शी संलग्न
A farmer was tending his field when the earth-bound end of his plough hit a metal box.

▪ नुकताच मिसरूड फुटलेला = a stripling
Abhimanyu, a mere stripling, decimated Kaurava's army.

The possibilities are numerous once we decide to act and not react.

― G. B. Shaw
▪ मनमिळाऊ आणि स्नेहपूर्ण = affable
Mrs. Charulata is the most affable personality in our college staff.

▪ च्या तोडीस तोड = on par with
None of these new harmoniums is on par with our old one.

▪ आधुनिक मानवाचा संपर्क आलेला नाही असे जंगल = backwoods
The satellite pictures show the backwoods of Andaman are inhabited by aboriginal tribes.

▪ मिलाफ = juxtaposition
It is the juxtaposition of families from various countries has made our community a lively hub.

▪ टाकलेले डावपेच = ploy
The ploy was successful and Arjuna was drawn away.

▪ बुद्धी पणाला लावणे = to rack one's brain
Sumit racked his brain while writing the questions in the scholarship exam.

▪ पुरातन शैलीचे = archaic
I have spent years studying opulently furnished archaic French museums in Paris.

▪ अनैतिक, अश्लील = indecent/ obscene
Those who cannot differentiate between indecent and decent are animals, not humans.

▪ खरवडून काढणे = to scrape
Thorny bush was scraping against my jacket.

▪ गंभीर आजारी = seriously ill ≠ serious
The doctor was serious when he told us that Emma was seriously ill.

▪ घराच्या बाहेर खुर्च्या टाकून बसायची जागा = patio
Patio is a paved area adjacent to the house for outdoor lounging.

▪ च्याशी अबोला असणे = to be not on speaking terms with
I won't be on speaking terms with you unless justice is made.

▪ त्वरेने जाणे/ पाठवणे = to dash off
Please dash this email off to him.

▪ उड्या पडणे = to snap up
Retail shares were snapped up by investors.

▪ थोडं थांबणे = to hang on
Please hang on till the coconut is grated.

▪ (संभाषण) थांबवणे = to hang up
I hung up the conversation when I noticed a cat entering through the grating.

▪ का-कू करणे = to hang back
Jimmy was hanging back when he was asked to recite a poem.

▪ चालू ठेवणे = to hang in
Hang in there, don't get frustrated.

▪ च्या बरोबर वेळ घालवणे = to hang out with
I decided to hang out with Snehal at the park this evening.

▪ शरमेने मान खाली घालणे = to hang one's head in shame
Confessing your misdeed before public means hanging your head in shame.

▪ एखाद्या गोष्टीला दूर ठेवणे = to fend off
A good harvest this year will fend us off starvation in winter.

▪ आयुष्यभरासाठी जोपासणे = to foster
The deal is finally sealed and it will foster ties between the two firms for years to come.

▪ आजार विकोपाला गेला आहे असे रुग्ण ठेवण्याची जागा = hospice
Old monks from the monastery need to be sent to the hospice.

▪ कर्णकटू = strident
The tone of the guitar has become less strident after connecting to Sony audio.

▪ आकार बिघडवलेला, विकृत = warped
Don't let your sense of judgement be warped by prejudices.

▪ एखादी कटू बातमी ऐकण्यासाठी मनाची तयारी करणे = to brace up for
It was the first corona case in our town and we braced ourselves up to encounter a few more in coming days.

▪ असहाय होऊन पडणे = to flail
The poor guy lost his balance and flailed to the ground.

▪ खूप उंचीवरून खाली कोसळणे = to slump
The stock market slumped and prices were slashed.

▪ जमिनीवर सगळीकडे पसरणे = to strew
The box slipped from my hand and all the mustard strewed on the ground.

▪ वापरून वापरून घासलेले = scuffed
Those scuffed shoes ruin the look of your new shoes.

▪ उचकाउचकी करणे = to rummage through
He had to rummage through several cartons to get the pliers.

God will not look you over for medals, degrees or diplomas but for scars.
― Elbert Hubbard
▪ उकसवणे = to prod
Satan prodded them to eat an apple.

▪ भडीमार करणे = to ply with
They plied the guests with a number of cooked dishes.

▪ लाटांप्रमाणे एका ठिकाणाहून दुसऱ्या ठिकाणी पसरत जाणे = to ripple through
The aftereffects of radioactivity following the atomic explosion rippled through the generations.

▪ उंचसखल = rugged
Rugged surface of the moon, ruggedly handsome (रांगडा) young man

▪ तोडणे = to severe
Chains were severed unleashing a pack of hyenas.

▪ ला गाठणे = to catch up with
I am dashing off to catch up with the rally.

▪ अतिवापर केल्याने जीर्ण-शीर्ण झालेले = frayed
Both my nerves and shoes are frayed due to prolonged journeys.

▪ बाचाबाची = skirmish
There were many skirmishes before the actual war began.

▪ यशस्वी उद्योगपती = tycoon
The Prime Minister called a meeting of business tycoons to discuss the economic situation.

▪ निर्विकार चेहेरा असलेला = stoic
He remained stoic while narrating the story of his mother's illness.

▪ फक्त स्वतःपुरता विचार करणारा, आत्मप्रौढ = narcissist
Your narcissistic attitude is harmful to our organisation.

▪ गूढार्थाने भरलेले = cryptic
Only a few of us could understand the meaning behind your cryptic smile.

▪ अंग काढून घेणे = to cop out of
I copped out of the editorial group due to my persistent ill-health.

▪ निष्काळजीपणे वाऱ्यावर उडत राहणे = to dangle rakishly
The dupatta was dangling rakishly from her shoulder.

▪ बाहेरून वेढणे = to exclave
Indian exclaves Bhutan.

▪ भरभराटीला लागलेले = burgeoning
The corona pandemic halted all burgeoning economies.

▪ उच्च स्वरात किंचाळणे = to squeal
She was holding a squealing pig by its tail.

▪ पावित्र्य नष्ट करणे = to desecrate
Muslim rulers invaded India and desecrated the holy places of Hindus.

▪ मोठ्या धाडसाने केलेली कृती = derring-do
It was a derring-do in Indiana Jones style.

▪ खराब झालेले = bedeviled
The pickle has been bedeviled by the fungus.

▪ कोणाचीही भीडमुर्वत ना बाळगता थेट बोलणारा = forthright, straightforward
Kangna is forthright in expressing her opinions on national issues.

▪ प्रतिकूल परिस्थितीत दाखवलेले धैर्य = fortitude
She endured the pains of her terminal illness with fortitude.

▪ वादळी = gusty
Gusty winds of October, the gusty personality of P. K. Atre

▪ विडंबन = parody
Which is more comedy - the original song or its parody?

▪ हानी पोचवणारे = subversive
The journalist is known for his subversive style of writing against the government activities.

▪ स्वैपाकाशी संबंधित = culinary
After studying a few culinary delights, I decided to start my own hotel.

▪ एकसारखा भडीमार करणे, प्रहार करणे = to batter
After battering the east coast, the hurricane turned to Armenia.

▪ हळू हळू येण्यास सुरुवात होते = to trickle in
The phone calls started trickling in after the advertisement appeared in the paper.

▪ लेस नसलेले बूट = loafers
When I go golfing, I wear magenta polo shirts, golf shorts, and loafers.

▪ दैवाच्या कृपेने आपसूकच घडलेले = fortuitous
Such a fortuitous alignment of stars takes place once in 5000 years.

▪ च्या शी पंगा घेणे = to fall foul of someone
Do not fall foul of that sleeping dog.

The darker the night, the brighter the stars,
The deeper the grief, the closer is God!

― Fyodor Dostoevsky
▪ झटका देऊन वर ओढणे = to hitch up
The elastic has gone loose and I have to hitch up my pajamas repeatedly.

▪ सुरवातीलाच, सरळ मनाचा = upfront
You have to make upfront payment before you join summer classes.

▪ काम आटोपते घेणे = to wrap up
I will wrap up watering the plants for it is the time for water to go.

▪ तडजोड करणे = to settle for
Two BHK is out of my budget, I will settle for one BHK only.

▪ सभ्य वागणूक = decorum
The lack of decorum in today's youth will irritate you.

▪ आमिष, प्रलोभन = decoy
The parrots were decoyed into the cage by guavas.

▪ कोर्टाचा वा राज्याचा हुकूमनामा = decree
The Finance Ministry issued a decree to liquidate the two banks.

▪ कालांतराने जीर्ण झालेला = decrepit
The horse is too decrepit to ride.

▪ सतर्क राहणे = to be wary of
Be wary of strangers talking to you at the airport.

▪ विश्वासात घेऊन काम करवून घेणे = to lobby
She lobbied the authorities to set aside a separate room for girls.

▪ सारखे सारखे बंद पडणारे = wonky
Our internet connection is wonky.

▪ च्यामध्ये आनंद घेणे = to revel in
All those who revel in classical music like to attend Sawai Gandharva Mahotsav.

▪ वाट लावणे = to bungle
He bungled the task and is now due for a dressing down.

▪ किळसवाणे दृश्य बघून नाक मुरडणे = to cringe
I cringe whenever I see those Chinese eating worms and cockroaches.

▪ जुने पण अस्तित्वात असलेले = extant
This list consists of extinct as well as extant animals.

▪ जीर्णावस्था = decrepitude
Signs of decrepitude are slowly becoming visible in the museum.

▪ हेलपाटा, दूरच रस्ता = detour
Take a detour because the bridge is not safe in this weather.

▪ मदतनीस = helpmate
She worked as Obama's helpmate for years.

▪ रेशमाचा व्यापार करणारा = mercer
The linen draper who trades in silk is called mercer.

▪ भुलवून भलतीकडेच = on the wrong scent
He managed to put the police on the wrong scent and escaped.

▪ आणि वरून पुन्हा = into the bargain
It was Independence day and Rakshabandhan, into the bargain.

▪ घामाघूम करणारी = sweltering
Soldiers have to keep vigil in sweltering heat and freezing cold.

▪ दडपून टाकलेले = stifled
Jessi stifled a laugh the teacher was explaining the geometry.

▪ आपलाच टुमणं लावून धरणे = tooting your own horn
Stop tooting your own horn and telling excuses for coming late.

▪ हलकाफुलका विनोद = lighthearted spin
An occasional lighthearted spin made his lecture lively and absorbing.

▪ नापसंती व्यक्त करणे = to decry
The comment was decried as vulgar by many viewers.

▪ असीमता, अथांगता = infinitude
infinitude of the soul, infinitude of outer space

▪ अगदी काठावरच = by the skin of his teeth
He managed to escape the tsunami waves by the skin of his teeth.

▪ अगदी पुरेपूर = to the teeth
These gangs are armed to the teeth.

▪ कामाला जुंपून घेणे = to get teeth into the task
Get your teeth into the task and finish the painting by 11 am.

▪ तात्पुरते थांबवणे = to hold in abeyance
The appeal was held in abeyance until the next injunction by the court.

▪ ज्यातून काहीही अर्थ निघत नाही असे = gibberish
Anesthesia is waning off and he is talking gibberish.

▪ पूर्णपणे, हाडाचा = to the backbone
He is a Vaishnava to the backbone.

A beating heart needs a soul to go with it, or it's nothing but a machine.
― Terri Guillemets
▪ गायीचा गोठा = cowshed, cowbarn
Most of the ashramas have cowbarns.

▪ चे प्रतिरूप = to be byword for
Mr. Narendra Modi is a byword for honesty.

▪ बाहेर काढून सुटका करणे = to baul someone out of
Please bail me out of this impasse.

▪ समाधानी = complacent
We would celebrate this victory but we will never be complacent.

▪ अस्ताव्यस्त पडलेले = clutter
What a messy jumble of things! Remove that clutter.

▪ फार मोठं मोल देऊन मिळवलेले = pyrrhic
This is a pyrrhic victory for us but we are in no mood to celebrate it.

▪ बनावट व्यावसायिक = quack
Although he is quack doctor, he has a good knowledge of medicines.

▪ प्रकर्षाने विशिष्ट स्वभावलक्षण दिसणे = to typify
Today's match typifies Dhoni's reputation as captain cool.

▪ नवशिक्या = tyro
Even after 4 months of practice, Tyson still thinks himself a tyro on the piano.

▪ चोचीने टिपणे = to peck
One crow pecked at the bird, which plummeted 25 feet to the asphalt.

▪ दुःखाने नापसंती दर्शवणे = to wince
Jyoti winced as the nurse was dressing her wound.

▪ मूर्ख व्यक्ती = oaf
That oaf has destroyed my day because of his oafish behavior.

▪ तळागाळातील लोक = grassroots
We are spreading the teachings of Vivekananda to the grassroots.

▪ चिंध्या चिंध्या करणे = to rip into shreds
The bomb blast ripped the church into shreds.

▪ शाब्दिक कोलांट्या घेणे = to make pun
He made an awful pun about man-ki-baat.

▪ गुढघ्यात वाकून बसणे = to crouch
I crouched down to look for the earring under my desk.

▪ मात करणे = to outsmart, to outstay, to outride
They endured the floods and expect to outsmart the storm as well, so they stuck around.

▪ बिकट परिस्थितीत = up the creek
The car ran out of petrol and we were up the creek in the jungle.

▪ सुपूर्त करणे = to hand over
I have handed over all my documents to the college office.

▪ एका पिढीकडून पुढच्या पिढीला जाणे = to hand down
The knowledge of traditional medicines is being handed down from one generation to the next.

▪ दुसऱ्याला देणे = to hand on
The Olympic flame is handed on from Greece to Germany.

▪ वस्तू वाटप करणे = to hand out
Public notice print-outs were handed out to all the society members.

▪ कमी लेखणे = to downplay
The hazards of environmental pollution should never be downplayed while setting up a factory.

▪ मृत्यूचे तांडव दर्शवणारे, महाभयानक = macabre
This documentary shows the macabre photographs of the second world war.

▪ भूतकाळातील आनंददायक गोष्ट आठवून दुःखी झालेला = wistful
I often turn wistful when I remember my childhood school days.

▪ हिरिरीने ख्रिश्चन धर्माचा प्रचार करणारा = evangelist
What we need most of all now are evangelists for the increasingly maligned American system.

▪ पुरवणे = to furnish
We have been furnishing the house carpets for the last five decades.

▪ दडलेले अर्थ = overtones
There are some overtones of racism in her speech.

▪ हळूहळू प्रसार होणे = to catch on
The trend of coloring the hair is catching on in rural areas, too.

▪ परिपूर्ण पण लपलेले = implicit
His implicit trust in his master made him progress rapidly.

▪ परिपूर्ण पण उघडपणे सांगितलेले = explicit
Without your explicit clarification, it is very difficult to define what forces are at play.

▪ फाडून दोन तुकडे करणे = tear off
Tore off the paper into two pieces.

▪ फाडून अनेक तुकडे करणे = tear up
Tore up the paper into many pieces.

▪ जुन्या धाटणीचे, खेडवळ = rustic
I wish to build a lavish palace in this rustic village.

All are lunatics, but he who can analyze his delusion is called a philosopher.
― Ambrose Bierce
▪ कावेबाजपणे केलेली युक्ती = wile
Despite all the wiles, we failed to sway the professor.

▪ अवाजवी = overwrought
Many are of the opinion that the backlash was overwrought.

▪ वंश, कुळ = clan
A member of the Big five clan of the forest

▪ समुदायातील तारका, भाव खाणारी व्यक्ती = prima donna
You are the future prima donna of our opera group.

▪ वैभव आणि प्रसिद्धीच्या पदावर पोहोचलेली सिनेक्षेत्रातली व्यक्ती = diva
Talk show diva Oprah Winfrey is now the world's most powerful celebrity,

▪ बाह्य रूपरेषा, आकार = contour
The supermodel walked while flaunting her contours.

▪ चालू राहणे = to roll on
Despite protests, the event rolled on.

▪ मोठ्या संख्येने येणे = to roll in
The crowd rolled in to watch the show.

▪ जगासमोर आणणे = to launch
Samsung rolled out its new flagship mobile model.

▪ अत्युच्च स्थिती = crescendo
The suspense had reached a crescendo when the lights suddenly went off.

▪ वेड्यासारखे वागणे = to go nuts OR to be off one's nuts
President Trump has gone nuts OR is off his nuts.

मराठी to English शब्दमाला पुढील भागापासून --

   निर्दोष इंग्रजी संभाषण, लेखन, व्याकरण ह्या मालिकेमध्ये आपण खालील विषय बघ आहोत:
१. Transitional phrases in English - इंग्रजी भाषेला अर्थपूर्ण बनवणारी संक्रामक इंग्रजी क्रियापदे व वाक्यांश 
२. Silly mistakes commonly made while writing English - इंग्रजी संभाषण व लेखन करताना होणाऱ्या सामान्य चुका - भाग १ आणि भाग २
३. Translation from Marathi to English - काही 
निवडक मराठी वाक्यांचे इंग्रजीत भाषांतर 
४. Some important rules in English grammar - इंग्रजी व्याकरणातील काही महत्त्वाचे नियम
५. Selected English words and their meanings - निवडक इंग्रजी शब्द व त्यांचे अर्थ