The myths die hard and facts survive meekly. For generations after generations, it has been imprinted on humans that chronic disorders like diabetes cannot be cured. It needs to be revised - Diabetes can be fully reversed and can be kept under control without taking medicines.

    Treating diabetes and losing weight is very easy only when we aim at reducing insulin resistance, rest happens automatically. The first line of treatment in diabetes and obesity is not medicines but steps taken to reduce insulin resistance. This sentence needs to be echoed more often than 'An apple a day keeps doctor away.' Treating diabetes by giving medicines is like compelling the kid to sit in the class by force and treating the same by reducing insulin resistance is like a cheerful kid attending his school instinctively. There is a mountain of difference between the two approaches. The only thing is, while the medicines will bring down your sugar within hours albeit for a temporary period; reducing insulin resistance will take weeks but the effect will be long lasting and it will be done in a natural way. Our ever-increasing database of cured cases proves just that.

    Diabetes and obesity have taken the world by storm and there is a million-dollar pharma industry thriving on your diabetes. Your increased blood sugar level is the source of energy for it!

    A simple FAQ based on purely scientific principles and logic will drive all your doubts to the void and you will realize that getting rid of diabetes and excess weight was never so easy. We are being misled on the wrong path and pharma industries want to take advantage of our ignorance. It is time to shed that ignorance and open our eyes to the evidence-based scientific facts.

   ⏵ Why am I diabetic?

    - You are diabetic because your cells have developed insulin resistance. You are being told that you have insulin deficiency, and that is just not true. You have enough insulin in your blood but it is unable to act due to the resistance it is facing.

   ⏵ Why did I develop insulin resistance?

    - The reason is very simple. You ate fats and carbohydrates in greater quantities than what your body requires. Excess carbohydrates also got converted into fats. You gained extra weight and your is searching for ways to dispose of it. One undesirable effect of excess fat was insulin resistance.

Type of food, exercise and nutritional supplements in the treatment of diabetes and obesity

   ⏵ But I have read that fats and carbohydrates are essential for human body.

    - That's true, but you have exceeded the physiological limits. Another reason is, you have eaten carbohydrates which have a high glycemic index and fats which are of saturated type. These two factors, high glycemic index foods and saturated fats have worsened your disease beyond control.

   ⏵ How can I detect my diabetes in early stages?

   - Very good question and a very important one. During your routine check-up, if your triglyceride level is more than twice that of your HDL level, you have started to develop insulin resistance. Your HbA1C value will confirm your status as a diabetic. Unfortunately, very few people are vigilant enough to check their insulin resistance in the most early stage which is mostly symptom-free; they only bother to give it a serious thought once HbA1C goes beyond 7.

   ⏵ Can high blood sugar, increased triglyceride, cholesterol and obesity be reversed?

   - Definitely. That's the purpose behind writing this article! The only thing is, you will have to reduce your medicines gradually and not all of a sudden, if you are taking any. You will need to have some patience. The body will take some time to clear the garbage accumulated in the cells and tissues.As said earlier your TG/HDL ratio should be less than 2 and LDL/HDL should be less than 3.5.

   ⏵ What am I supposed to do to bring my blood sugar and weight under control?

    - Follow this triad - right food, suitable exercise and right nutritional supplements. We know, you have heard it many times but very few people apply it in the right manner!

   ⏵ What type of food should I eat to bring down my blood sugar and excess weight?

    - A combination of low glycemic index carbohydrates, good quality proteins and oils with unsaturated fatty acids in the proportion of 40:30:30 or 50:25:25
   Tons of gigabytes of information is available on the internet and in books about low-glycemic-index foods and you can search for that.
   Consume good quality proteins like fish, dry fruits or sprouts. You can also add protein powder to your daily breakfast. This has an added advantage of keeping your appetite under control.
   Include nuts and oil-yielding seeds or you can even have cod liver oil. These things are a great source of vitamin E and essential fatty acids (PUFA). Always start your meals with greens and fruits. You are expected to make these minor changes to your diet and that is neither too expensive. Also, go through this food-calorie chart and get familiar with high calorie food items and try to keep a distance from those foods!
   Put simply, shift from bad carbs to good carbs, from simple proteins to essential proteins, from bad fats to good fats. It is as simple as that.

   ⏵ What type of exercise should I take to bring down my blood sugar and excess weight?

    - Any exercise which suits your body and muscles. When it comes to choosing the exercise, it can differ from person to person depending on his health, state of his joints and sleep pattern. Go through this list of various physical activities and choose the right one for you. This list will also give you additional information about the calorie loss associated with different physical activities. The more vigorous an exercise is, the better it is for every organ and every cell of your body.

   ⏵ What type of nutritional supplements should I take to bring down my blood sugar and excess weight?

    - Any nutritional supplement which contain multivitamins-multiminerals-antioxidants. Make sure it contains chromium, magnesium, boron and vanadium.

   ⏵ How shall I know that the insulin resistance in my body is declining?

    - Measure your blood sugar on a weekly basis. As your blood sugar level starts to get back to normal, your physician will have to reduce the doses of your daily medication. Your body will start coming down, you will have more energy and freshness. It will be a surprise for both - you and your physician.

    Many cases demonstrate that this is the most (and probably the only one) successful strategy to reverse diabetes and obesity. So many are doing it and there is no reason why you won't get any results if you follow it, too.

    There are other complimentary things like taking some herbal extracts, basic meditation, yogic postures, chakra balancing, etc. which help to speed up your recovery. You can add those things to your routine. But remember, there is no alternative to the miracle triad we just detailed upon.

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