Until yesterday, chronic life-long disorders like fibromyalgia, cardiomyopathy, Crohn's disease, Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis etc were regarded as impossible to cure, but as our knowledge of antioxidants expands and more and more reports of cures come forth, we can confirm beyond doubt that such diseases develop as a result of deficiency of one or more antioxidants, the nutrients as essential as vitamins, minerals, proteins or carbohydrates. Few vitamins like vitamin C or vitamin E also act as antioxidants.

    The book - What Your Doctor Doesn't Know About Nutritional Medicine... by Dr. Ray D. Strand is an eye-opener on this subject. This book will totally change your view of looking at medical treatment. A holistic medical approach includes medicines, diet and exercise. Add one more thing to this - Nutritional Supplements. One reason why they are not prescribed as often as they should be is that, unlike steroids or antibiotics or NSAIDs, nutritional supplements are slow to act. One must wait for a few weeks to a few months before their full potential is unleashed. Dr. Strand, after witnessing numerous extraordinary cures, says - I am also surprised why doctors don't prescribe these supplements!

Chronic degenerative disorders where antioxidants work wonders

    Some of the Less valued Antioxidants and Nutritional Supplements

   ●Grape Seed Extract: The antioxidants found in grape seed extract are 50 times more powerful than vitamin E and 20 times more powerful than vitamin C when given in conjunction with other vitamins. Another distinguishing feature of GSE is that it can easily cross blood brain barrier and hence it is the antioxidant of choice for the disorders involving brain, spinal cord and nerves.

    According to Dr. Strand, excellent results could be achieved when GSE and co-enzyme Q 10 are given together. Access Dr. Strand's website for more information. Depending upon the severity and chronicity of the disease, grape seed extract and co-enzyme Q can be given in doses of 100 to 500 mg per day each.

   One important worth remembering here that if we add alpha lipoic acid to the supplements, it can generate both glutathione and co-enzyme Q in the body. There are hardly any side effects of these antioxidants even when taken in high doses. These supplements need to be given for a few weeks before we see their beneficial (and miraculous!) effects.

   ●Glucosamine Sulphate and Chondroitin Sulphate: These compounds cause remarkable improvement in joint swelling, pain and regenerates cartilage when given along with multivitamins and antioxidants. The recommended doses are: 1500-2000 mg of glucosamine sulphate and 400-600 mg of chondroitin sulphate.

   ●Glutathione: Glutathione is synthesized in the body from three amino acids: glutamine, glycine, and cysteine. It has got multiple essential roles to play. It neutralizes free radicals and peroxides. It keeps vitamins C and E inreduced state, thus, potentiating their action. Glutathoine also detoxifies toxic metabolites produced during oxidative stress. The ability of body to synthesize Glutatjione reduces with age. Those who took Glutathione reported good sleep, higher energy, alertness and focussing power and most importantly, a young beautiful glowing skin!

   ●Choline: Generally, digested fats have a tendency to accumulate in the liver. Choline prevents this by transporting triglycerides away from the liver and keeps the liver ‘clean’. It is also a precursor chemical in the formation of acetylcholine which is required for transmitting nerve signals in the body. It is also suggested to have a possible role in the development of a healthy nervous system before birth. It is mainly found in non-vegetarian food.

   ●Alpha-Lipoic Acid: In a long standing degenerative disease like diabetes, the nerves of soles, retina etc, tend to degenerate which is an irreversible process. Alpha-lipoic acid checks this process and improves the sensitivity and patency of the nerves. This is the reason why it is often combined with vitamin B12. Alpha-lipoic acid is widely available in vegetable kingdom. Unlike other vitamins, ALA is soluble in water as well as fats, that makes it a very useful adjuvent in any kind of neupopathy especially diabetic neuropathy. This action results from efficient glucose utilization by body cells (its main action) which makes it a useful adjuvent in diabetes, metabolic syndrome and weight loss supplements. It has given dramatic in some cases of neuralgic pains.

   ●Inositol: Inositol has proved effective in all those disorders which are characterized by the hyperactivity of brain like- insomnia, panic disorders, anxiety attacks, ADHD, stress disorder etc. Inositol acts by increasing the level of serotonin, a calming brain neurotransmitter. Inositol has also been found to be effective in stress-related hair loss. It is abundantly found in uncooked vegetables and fruits.

   ●Lutein and Zeaxanthin: We all know that carrots, papaya and spinach are good for the eyes. Thanks to these two carotinoid pigments which prevent age related visual impairment by destroying oxidizing free radicals and maintaining retina and lens in healthy condition. Lutein and Zeaxanthin have also been found useful in reversing the cataract, and thus, improving cloudiness of vision when given in high doses for long.

   ●Lycopene: Lycopene is one of the most powerful antioxidants known to medicine and is typically present in fruits which yield red juice like tomatoes, watermelons, red grapes except strawberries. Being a powerful free radical neutralizer, it has a major role in preventing various degenerative conditions like atherosclerosis, COPD, chronic heart failure, Alzheimer’s disease and in cancers of lung, prostate, bladder, breast, colon etc. Tomato ketchup is a good source of lycopene.

   ●Astaxanthin: Typically present in seafood, this is another potent antioxidant carotinoid with added anti-inflammatory action. Astaxanthin is: 6,000x more powerful as an antioxidant than vitamin C, 800x better at singlet oxygen quenching than CoQ10, 550x more powerful than green tea catechins and vitamin E. It is reported that this pigment offers protection against sunburns (uv rays) when taken before going out in sun. This property of astaxanthin makes it useful in various types of arthritis, autoimmune diseases, chronic peptic ulcer, colitis (IBS), cystitis, osteoarthritis etc.

   ●Cryptoxanthin: The fact that patients with abdominal cancer exhibit low levels of cryptoxanthin in blood, led scientists to conclude its role in various types of cancers. Another important member of beta carotinoid-antioxidant group, this pigment demonstrates its action at genetic level by stimulating RB gene, a gene recognized to fight cancer.

   ●Arginine: Arginine, an amino acid, is a constituent of body proteins which is mainly derived from non-vegetarian sources. Like caffeine, it increases the efficiency by stimulating blood flow. As such, Arginine is useful in all conditions resulting from reduced blood supply like- angina chest pain, nightly cramps of the calf muscles, senile dementia and erectile dysfunction and delayed wound healing. Despite its ability to increase athletic performance, it is not included in the list of banned drugs!

   ●Glutamine: Glutamine is another essential amino acid found widely in various dietary proteins. It plays a prominent role in replenishing damaged tissues and thus plays a major role during trauma, chemotherapy induced tissue damage, buns and post surgical wound healing.

    Diseases Immensely Benefitted by Antioxidants and Nutritional Supplements

  ●Osteoporosis: It is a classical example of degenerative disease which is predominantly found in people leading a modern lifestyle and eating fast food. Contrary to the established belief, the trio of calcium, vitamin D and HRT (where cons outweigh the cons) is just a small part of osteoporosis treatment. Treatment for osteoporosis can never be completed without magnesium, vitamin K, manganese, folic acid, vitamin B12, boron, silicon and zinc. Bone formation is a chain reaction comprising numerous factors and deficiency of any one of these factors will disrupt the chain and consequently bone formation.

   ●Rheumatoid Arthritis : It is taught in medical schools that autoimmune diseases are produced as a result of an overactive immune system, but why the immune system becomes hyperactive is never taught! Actually, the immune system is confused in autoimmune disorders rather than hyperactive and it fails to distinguish between its own tissues and foreign molecules. Rheumatoid arthritis is another such painfully disabling autoimmune disorder where a significant increase in the number of excessive free radicals is found in the joint fluid extract. This is not found in the case of normal joints. The disease progresses more rapidly when accompanied by vitamin deficiencies like C, D, E. Unbelievably remarkable results are obtained with vitamins and antioxidant supplements in this disorder when given in larger doses than recommended RDA values.

   ●Cardiomyopathy, CCF:Both these disorders involve heart musculature which becomes weak following chronic hypertension, CHD or repeated childhood streptococcal infections. Modern medicine offers just symptomatic relief. The research suggests that as the levels of Coenzyme Q10 go down, progressive weakening of the heart muscle takes place. Clinical case studies have confirmed that Coenzyme Q10 supplements bring about a gradual, definite and sustained improvement in heart function so much that breathlessness disappears, the grades of dyspnoea improve as the heart regains its formal size and power of contraction to a good extent.

   ●Degenerative Brain Diseases : Brain is another organ which gives in to oxidative stress and exhibits signs of degeneration in the form of memory loss, muscular dysfunction, tremors, etc. Although these changes in nervous tissue are irreversible, the person is able to lead a normal life when nutritional supplements like vitamin E, vitamin C, glutathione, alpha lipoic acid, co-enzyme Q and the grape seed extract are given to him in higher doses. Higher doses are required to cross the blood-brain barrier. Among all these supplements, alpha lipoic acid requires special mention because it is soluble in both water as well as fat and it can give rise to other nutrients like glutathione and co-enzyme Q once it finds its way in the brain. Grape seed extract is another antioxidant capable of crossing blood-brain barrier and producing miraculous results. We must not forget that we must protect ourselves from heavy metals in order to keep our brains functioning for long.

   ●Macular Degeneration (ARMD):Macular degeneration of retina is the leading cause of blindness in the aged. When the eyes are exposed to UV light and visible blue light, lots of free radicals are generated which lead to degeneration of cells in the macular region of the retina. A group of antioxidants called carotinoids has been found to improve vision in patients with ARMD. As far as macula is concerned, the most important anti-oxidants are Lutein and Zeaxanthin. These yellow pigments are concentrated in macula and they have ability to absorb harmful blue rays. They are supposed to be 42% more protective than beta carotinoids. The fluid surrounding the lens is full of anti-oxidants like vitamin C, E, beta carotinoids. As the age advances, their levels decline and degenerative changes lead to the formation of cataract, another extremely common eye condition.

   ●Arteriosclerosis : Three important blood parameters - HbA1c, LDL cholesterol, Homocysteine - must remain within limits in order to keep the blood vessels elastic and healthy. When one or more of these go up, blood vessels undergo inflammation which leads to subsequent hardening and formation of blocks. 15% of the patients who die from heart attacks show elevated homocysteine levels. Another indicator hs-CRP will help you determine whether your arteries are inflamed or not. Hs-CRP levels between 1-3 mg/L indicate a moderate risk of heart disease and stroke. The good news is that the disruptive changes occurring in blood vessels can be successfully prevented and to a good extent reversed using vitamins and anti-oxidants.

    ●Cystic Fibrosis : This is a hereditary disorder characterized by the formation of thick mucus in the lungs and GIT. The prognosis in Cystic fibrosis is very poor and most people in their thirties due steady decline in lung function over time. Nutritional supplements dramatically improve the quality of life and add years to the lifespan when given with pancreatic enzymes and mucus thinning agents.

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