Boriska The starseed

   There is a special class among gifted children called 'starseeds'. Starseeds carry the memories of past lives as well. Now we are going to see a remarkable and stunning story of a Russian kid, Boriska, who exhibits the characteristics

of both, starseed as well as that of indigo. Somewhat shy and reticent by nature, Boriska started to speak in sentences when he was just seven months old. From the age of two, he started making mystifying statements on topics he had never been in contact with and drew arcane drawings. The subjects he was most interested in were - planets, stars, nebulae, galaxies, pulsars, spaceships etc. His parents were requested to withdraw him from the school when he used to point out the mistakes of his teachers. However, he was admitted to a school for gifted children in Moscow.

   Recollections from his past lives suddenly used to flare up whenever he saw some particular picture in a book or a scene on the TV. He started describing those sightings or events with such precision as if he had recently visited those places. Commenting on such things is as easy for him as it is difficult for us. (He has grown too introvert in his youth and he avoids talking on these mystical topics of late.) The listeners listen with bated breaths and they become even more stupefied when they start thinking about this prodigy called - Boriska.

   Many psychologists and psychoanalysts have interviewed Boriska. He has himself, as well, talked many times. Some of his videos are available on YouTube. For example:

   Some of his enigmatic and highbrowed statements are as follows:

* "Your films like 'Star Wars' are nothing but a display of ignorance and craziness. The types of space voyages we did and the wars we experienced, were awfully different than these stories."

* "The people on the planet Mars are peace-loving but they are very adept in warfare. People there don't become old as their age doesn't cross 30-35. There must be at least 20 children like me in Moscow at this moment who have come from Mars....!"

* "Millions of years ago we used to live on the surface of Mars when the environment there was favorable for the existence of living beings. This environment became too adverse after nuclear wars and the people had to relocate to the underground cities."

* "Whenever there used to be water scarcity on Mars, we used to transport water from your planet....!"

* "Satellite and spacecraft projected from Earth towards Mars become dysfunctional when they enter the gravitational field of Mars because they are rendered inoperative by the strong rays sent out from Mars. It is mandatory to do so because hostile vibrations emitted by the satellites pollute the atmosphere of Mars." (Boriska also explains technical changes which are required to be made in order to make the satellites and spaceships benign and amicable to Mars' surroundings.

* "Our spacecraft are triangular and they are capable of traveling anywhere in the solar system. They are constructed like this: 1st layer...., 2nd layer......, 3rd layer......., 4th......., 5th.....

* "I have participated in many research missions in space. I was the chief pilot of our spaceship. The most difficult part of my space travel was to traverse the asteroid belt of Saturn."

* Millions of years ago, Lemurian civilization existed on Earth. The people were 9 meters tall (or 9 feet?) at that time. Whenever I used to come here, I used to inevitably visit my Lemurian friend. Over the course of time, devastating natural upheavals took place. The mountains cleaved apart and the continents submerged under the floods. My friend died before my very eyes and I could not save him..... (turns emotional). However, we are going to meet again in this life...!"

* "Beware of the Greys. The intentions with which they come here on Earth are certainly not good."

* "We saw the catastrophic end of the planet Proserpine from Mars."

* "This Earth is not just a dead planet but a living being. She is very caring by nature, she is fully capable of taking care of a soul whoever comes to her for shelter."

* When asked,"What is the purpose of your or that of the other children like you coming on this planet?", he replies,"The proportion of sins and the calamities consequent to those sins is fast increasing on Earth. This has threatened the very existence of Earth. We earnestly want to explain these things to the people before it is too late. The sinners will be removed from the planet by the law of karma. This has been decreed by the universal power and Earth has already started moving in that direction...."

   He ends his narrative by saying 'kellis!'. He says that 'kellis' means 'goodbye' on Mars!


   How to Nurture Indigo Children?

   The main role of the parents of the indigo kids is to make the favorable atmosphere available to their kids so that their innate qualities would burgeon. They have come here with a great stock of inbuilt qualities and characteristics in their genes, this must bloom and display before society under favorable conditions. This will happen gradually. Parents must not expect that their kid would abide by the standard laid down rules of the society, nor should they expect to change their behavior by pressure or punishment.

   A Few More Important Things

   Whenever these kids were taken to the counselors or psychotherapists, they were diagnosed suffering from ADD or ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). Not only that, they blatantly started psychotic drugs like Ritadin, Metadate, Prozac etc. These remedies, of course, go in vain but the children have to suffer their side effects.

   These kids are very sensitive mentally and physically. As far as possible, they should not be given GMO (Genetically Modified Food), processed food, chemicals and preservatives mixed food etc. They should be given organic food. In fact, everyone should eat that.

   While conversing with them, it should be borne in the mind that there is some hidden aspect of philosophy behind everything these kids say. One must show interest in what they say and make the books of their favorite topics available to them.

   Given an appropriate opportunity to blossom, the indigo kid is capable of developing into an accomplished master and guiding the countless maundered and misguided souls in today's society.

   Let us watch this interesting video:

Books for Further Reading on the INDIGOS:

The Indigo Children: The New Kids Have Arrived by Lee Carroll

The Children of Now by Blackburn Losey

Enlightened Indigo Child: A Personal Guide to Flourishing with a Sixth Sense by

  Idelle Brand

The Care and Feeding of Indigo Children by Doreen Virtue

Beyond the Indigo Children: The New Children and the Coming of the Fifth World

  by P. M. H. Atwater