"The more we know, the more we realize that the less we know..."
                                                                                                         - Anon

The Indigo Children

   A new development in the world over the last three decades has attracted the attention of the scientific world. There has been the emergence of a new crop of kids, kids who are a bit weird by nature but intellectually very sharp. Scientists have coined the term 'Indigo Children' for them. The kid who is expected to indulge in his dream-world of prince-princess-fairies-puppies and kittens suddenly throws such a sentence on your face which makes you wonder where this wisdom came from! A good deal of research has been done on this and many startling and striking facts have emerged. Read on -

   What is This 'Indigo Child'?

   In one sentence 'Indigo kid' could be described as - Brain of a kid, vigor of a youth, wisdom of the aged and on a mission for humanity. These children have starkly shoved our timeworn and established concepts of wisdom. They have turned the heat on their seniors to think over - Is there any way wisdom comes from anything other than the experience? The direction of thinking of these kids and their way of reacting to any occurrence is way too different than the normal children. But they are born in a society which has got pinned down and specified ways of thinking. Poor fellows, neither they are at fault nor the society in which they incarnate! They are befuddled by the ways of society and so is the society in which they abide. As the generation of these wizards continues to grow and the gems of new revelations continue to be discovered, these kids are found to be invaluable wealth of the society, country and the whole world. Parents behold! If you are a guardian of one of such stunners, you are extremely lucky and you are carrying a big responsibility on your shoulders. It is a kind of sweet mismatch, a mismatch meant for the promising and productive development of a society. How to deal with these children, what are the right ways to bring them up, we will see this in the end.

   A Curious Experiment by Psychologists

   Scientists carried out an interesting experiment. They put a common question before a group of indigo children aged 5-8 : What is love? The answers they received show the depth to which these tiny wizards are able to think. How would we answer this question? Think for a while and then read the following replies given by the indigo kids -

😚 "Love is the feeling you experience when the waves of happiness appear in your mind after your beloved calls you by your name. Seeing that your name is safe in his mouth you feel relaxed!"
😔 "Love is when you go a restaurant and offer your french fries to the person sitting across from you without expecting anything in return."
😷 "You are angry with someone because he insulted you. But you swallow the huff and keep mum so that the person will not be offended. This is love."
😅 "That which makes you smile after you are exhausted to the core, is love."
😂 "Your mom prepares coffee for your daddy and tastes a sip before giving it to your daddy. She is doing this out of love."
😌 "You are impatient and absorbed in untying your Christmas presents. Your parents interrupt you for some reason. You keep cool and listen to their words calmly. This is because you love your parents."
😌"If you are able to love someone who hates you, it is true love."
😦 "You tell your shortcomings and weaknesses to somebody and then feel disheartened thinking that that person would neglect you. But when you note that his feelings towards you are not dampened a bit, that is love."
😂 "Love could be expressed in two ways- love for a person and love for God."
😴"Love is the kiss your mom gives you before you go to sleep."
😛 "Love is the act of licking your feet by your dog after being alone all day in your absence when you are away."
😚 "You let someone tell you his/her faults and still, accepts the person as you did when you didn't know his/her negatives, this is love."
😘 "When you see your beloved standing before you, your eyes sparkle suddenly and you start blinking .... This is love!"
😧 "Christ was crucified but he could have removed the nails using his powers, but He didn't. He did it out of love."

   You can ask the same question to the kids around you just for the sake of fun!

   Characteristics of the Indigo Children

⮚ These kids are very sensitive. They are easily affected by the things happening around them or whatever impressions they receive through their senses.

 Indigos are always full of verve and enthusiasm. It seems that their battery never discharges!

 They easily get bored if they have no occupation of their choice. However, if they come across something which they find worth engrossing, they forget themselves and the world around them for hours.

 As Kirlian Photography reveals, the aura around them is blue-purple colored. (Hence the name, 'Indigo'). This was first noticed by Dr. Nancy Ann Tappe. An ordinary person carries an aura of red-yellow-green color.

 Neither would they force anybody nor would they tolerate to be pressurized by anybody. They are democratic, they won't like hierarchical grading like superior or inferior. They consider all as equal. They cannot sit silent for too long without raising their voice against dishonesty, injustice and falsehood.

 They have got a tremendous sense of self-respect. They lose faith in those who hurt them which makes them introvert and sad. They mingle with just a few selected ones after carefully and diligently discerning their demeanor and actions.

 They never get along with the traditional system of education. In their opinion, getting educated for the sake of earning wealth is nothing but wasting valuable time in your life.

 They almost always perform poorly in the school curriculum. However, they score exceptionally well in IQ tests. Generally, their IQ racks up above 125. Some of them may do a bang-up job to score above 150!

 Being right-brain dominant personalities, they are interested in subjects which motivate and harmonize with the soul or highly creative ones like - Literature, music, painting, gardening, mathematics, computer etc. They always love nature. They get restless if the things are not in unison with their mind. They hate crowd.

 You will be surprised to know that they lose their temper very easily. However, they never harbor any feelings of hatred or revenge against anyone in their heart. They are very loving by nature but this nature usually remains concealed or rather suppressed in the surroundings where they can't tune up with unfavorable people.

 It is not surprising that they easily fall in love with animals or birds but the remarkable thing is that even the animals and birds also fall in love with them equally easily.

 Their eyes are very expressive. And when these kids talk, they talk with confidence while seeing eye to eye with the person they talk to. It seldom happens that they don't influence anyone whom they talk with. They talk with such passion as if they have come here on a big mission and they expect the listener to know this! They do not have to think much before they respond. Their reactions are quick and spontaneous.

 Many times, these kids get restless during their sleep. The world they interact with in their sleep is an enigma for the scientists.

 It is noteworthy that their behavior blossoms naturally in the company of other indigos.

 Many times, these children can read minds and they speak out so. Some of them get a sudden inspiration to go to a particular place or talk to a particular person. They can not always narrate a reason behind such behavior.

 Just like their enthusiasm and expectations, their disappointments are also extreme and off-color. There are examples where the indigos took to drugs because their aspirations did not find ways towards fulfillment or they were forced to die out due to parental negligence. They will eschew the parrot-in-a-cage type of life even when living in an affluent society.

   Interesting Anecdotes of the Indigos

Todd's mother took her 3-year-old kid to his grandma's house. A joker-toy was lying on grandma's bed. Todd, somehow, didn't like his face, so he smashed the toy and mangled it too awfully. Grandma called him and asked him calmly,"Todd, which is your most favorite toy?" Todd replied,"Police truck!" Granny said,"Had you been in your granny's place, what would you have done to the person if he had destroyed your police truck?" Todd became pensive and said after a few moments,"Please give me some time to ponder it over." He went inside a room and closed the door from inside. When he emerged 'enlightened' after his reflection was done, grandma had a philosophical discussion with him on anger, fear, temptations etc. Only then did Todd feel at ease!

 One day, finally, eight-year-old Olie put his feelings into the words,"I want to die. Life is no longer worthy of living." His mom took him to a counselor. After much insisting, Olie looked the counselor in the eye and said,"Is there any purpose in living the kind of life where you have got mother but she has no time to spare for you? Don't you think it's a matter of regret that I need to take your help to resolve this issue?" The thing was, his father was a frequent visitor to the prison and his mother had to attend her job in order to make ends meet. She couldn't spare enough time for her son. Olie never had interest in school education but when he was tested for IQ, he scored in the highest grades (above 130)

 A 14-year-old girl was made to repeat the class due to her poor academic performance. She was very much argumentative and she never allowed her parents to defeat her in the arguments. She used to take her parents' car out on crazy joyrides without their permission. The reason for this was not understood but when her IQ was tested, it tested no less than 129!

 Six-year-old Zachri had made a mess of the room, his toys strewn all over the place. When his father peeped in, he was somewhat amused to see him in a meditative state with eyes closed in the pile of his toys. Annoyed with this crazy antics, he raised his voice and said,"Zachri, clean up the mess and tidy your room." There was no response. This made his daddy shout again. Zachri opened his eyes and replied tepidly,"Please wait a little, dad. I am in conversation with my soul. I will do it when I am done!"

 The incidence took place when Shashi was three. All the relatives had gathered and a list of those members was being prepared who loved Shashi the most. When the list was complete, Shashi exclaimed,"I am the one who loves me the best because it gives me energy."

♦ Three-year-old Justin once said to his mom,"Mom, you are a letter and I am an envelope!" Hearing this, his mother was baffled beyond all limits. She asked,"What exactly do you mean dear?" Justin said,"Didn't you notice how your admirers pamper me in front of you? Actually, they want to please you by pampering me. Isn't it like keeping the letter and throwing the envelope away?" Justin's mom had tears in her eyes when she heard this.

 Fourteen-months-old Ali went into the kitchen, opened the trolley and scattered all the vessels all over the kitchen. The clutter contained pans, pots, plates and bowls of various sizes. His mom let out a big sigh when she saw this. But she hastened out to attend some other chore. When she returned to clear up the mess, she was amazed to see that Ali had put all the items back to their original locations in perfect order!

 Six-year-old Robbin's friend said to him,"My dad is so strong that he will knock down your dad in a single punch!" Robbin replied,"Inner strength of a person is his real strength....!"

 Kim declared to her mom when she was four, "Don't send me to school. I want to be a housewife when I grow up and run the household my way. Where exactly does the role of a school come here?"

   One remains dumbfounded after reading all these stories. The ideas of these virtuosos are so original and closely related to the metaphysical and ethical principles which underline human life.

In Part II you will read:

- A breathtaking account of Boriska, the Russian indigo kid who carries memories from his previous lives intact

- How to bring up indigo children and ways to deal with them

- An interesting video

Next article: Your Child Could be an Indigo Kid - Part II