Shayari is a form of deep, sentimental poetry, the origin of which is found in the Middle East. Shayari revolves around the love between the two souls. This could be love with any ordinary soul

or with the Almighty, the pattern is the same, only the direction is different. A shayari is a never-ending source of pleasure for a ‘beating’ heart irrespective of whether that person has gone through that experience before or not. Like a lingering perfume, the charm of a shayari loiters for a while after one has read it, the meaning between the lines being more appealing than the actual words! The world of shayari is a world full of thorns and roses, it is so compelling that it never fails to cast a spell on you, provided the shayari is a genuine one. On a battlefield, soldiers bleed to win castles; in the same vein, if you find the words of a shayari captivating, just know for certain that someone’s heart has bled before these words hatched into the existence.


" हम दोनों को कोई भी बीमारी नहीं है...
  फिर भी वो मेरी और मैं उसकी दवा हूँ...!!💕"
None of us is suffering from any disease. She is my medicine and I am hers!!


❤सारे दर्द मुझे ही सौंप दिये....!!
   इतना भरोसा था मुझ पे....!!❤
Bestowed all the agonies to me..... Do you really have so much faith in me?


*महफ़िल में चल रही थी हमारे कत्ल की तैयारी,
  हम पहुँचे तो बोलें - बहुत लम्बी उम्र है तुम्हारी…*
There were preparations going on for my execution in the jamboree. When I arrived, she said," Long live my sweetheart…"


💐उन्हें ये ख्वाहिश के हम ज़ुबाँ से इज़हार करे ‬‬
  हमें यह आरज़ू के वो दिल की ज़ुबाँ समझ लें…💐
She wishes that I confess my love in words, I just wish that she understand the longing of my heart….. ( so that I need not speak of it)


एक तनहा रात में आपकी याद आयी,‬‬
याद भुलाने के लिए हमने मोमबत्ती जलाई,
उफ़ वो मोमबत्ती क्या क़यामत लायी,
उठते धुए ने भी आपकी तस्वीर बनायीं..
In the dark hours of the night, your memory cropped up. To overcome the solitude, I lit up a candle. And lo! That candle knocked up a miracle….. The smoke which arose, personized in your form…!!


*ज्यादा ख़्वाहिशें नहीं ऐ जिंदगी तुझसे‬‬
 *बसअगला कदम पिछले से बेहतरीन हो!!*
I don’t have much expectations from you, my dear life…. I just wish that my every new step be a little meritorious than the previous one …..


*"तय है 'बदलना', हर चीज़ बदलती है इस जहाँ में...
किसी का 'दिल' बदल गया, किसी के 'दिन' बदल गये...!!!"
Everything is bound to change in this universe…. There are some people whose fortune changed and there are some whose hearts changed….!!


🌿 तेरे करीब आकर बडी उलझन में हूँ,‬‬
   मैं गैरों में हूँ या तेरे अपनो में हूँ !! 🌿
I have been in a dilemma ever since you came to my company. I am not able to decide whether I am among my kin or among others.


💔*कोशिश तो होती है कि तुम्हारी हर ख़्वाइश                                         पूरी करूँ,
पर डर लगता है कि तुम ख़्वाइश में कहीं मुझसे                            जुदाई ना माँग लो 💔*
How I feel that I fulfill every wish of you…. There is only fear lurking around …I am afraid you might ask for departure….. (which I won’t be able to tolerate)


*💖तेरा चेहरा, तेरी बातें , तेरा गम , तेरी यादें…
   …इतनी दौलत पहले कहाँ थी पास मेरे !!*💖
This beautiful face…. these beautiful conversations with you….. your memories and even the agonies given by you…. I never had such fabulous wealth before in my life!!!


💕 कोरा कागज़ था और कुछ बिखरे हुए लफ़्ज़…
   ज़िक्र तेरा आया तो सारा कागज़ गुलाबी हो गया 💕
There was a piece of paper and some scattered words… Somebody mentioned your name and everything turned pink…!


    *किसी की ख़ामोशी पर मत जाओ,‬‬
  क्यूँ कि राख के नीचे अक्सर आग दबी होती है ।*
Never go by someone’s silence. There could be ambers blazing beneath the ash….


     💗पूछा कि हमारी
        चाहत में मर सकते हो?
        हमने कहा कि हम मर गए तो
        तुम्हें चाहेगा कौन ..*.❗❗❗ 💗
She asked, "Are you ready to die in my love?" I said, "If I die in your love, who will love you?"


💦ले लो ना वापिस वो तड़प, वो आंसू, वो यादें सारी…
नही कोई जुर्म मेरा तो फिर ये सजायें कैसी…!! 💦
Take back all that yearning, those tears and all those memories…. I have committed no crime, then why this torture ?


 "कल तुझसे बिछड़ने का फैसला कर लिया था
  आज अपने ही दिल को रिश्वत दे रहा हूं…... "
Yesterday I had determined to separate from you..... (I repented). Today, I want to bribe my heart (to change the silly decision) !


"दोनों ही बातों से तेरी एतराज है मुझको,
 क्यूं तू जिंदगी में आई और क्यूं चली गई…"
I object to both of your moves.... Why did you come into my life and why did you go away....?


"पहचान रहा हूँ मैं तेरे हाथ की खुशबु,
  पत्थर ये किसी और का फेंका नही लगता"
From the perfume this stone emits, I can say for sure that you threw it and none else...!!


🌹 प्यार तो अमर है, अमर ही रहेगा
   मरेगा तो वो जिसने किया है... 🌹
Love is immortal and it will remain so, eternally.... Only he will die who did it !!!!