"One should keep a cow for its gomutra. If it also gives milk, it is an added bonus."
– Rajeev Dixit

   From mythology to modern times, a cow has a special place in the life of Hindus. The fact that Krishna tends cows, is sufficient to provide an ambiguous hint that this animal carries certain divine qualities. It is also a common idea that if you own a coconut tree and a cow, you have almost everything for a healthy living. (Do ponder over this. This combination gives a windfall – milk, water, fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, ghee, oil, fibers, fuel, clothing and construction material, fuel …. And so on!)   

desi gir cow vs jersy cow gomutra

I was attracted to gomutra or cow urine when I learned that it is one of the non-perishable liquids known to man (honey, cow ghee and the water of the Ganges being the other three) of domestic use. It doesn't decompose or disintegrate for years. My curiosity went beyond a cutoff point, when I read that gomutra corrected the position of a misaligned fetus in the womb where surgery was not possible. I decided to delve deep into it! I have been using it since long as a hand sanitizer and I love its healthy smell and holy feelings it induces in the mind. Then I also came across the story of Amit Vaidya, an enjoyer of dazzling metropolitan life of New York, who was given only six months to live (or to die…) after he was diagnosed with terminal stomach cancer. He went back to India and started taking 'cow therapy' with an intention of palliation. The result was outstanding. Not only did his symptoms palliate, but the deadly disease vanished from his body forever. Out of all the products that can be had from a cow – milk, curds, butter, ghee, dung and urine – only gomutra is imperishable even if it is allowed to remain uncovered for a long time. Mr. Amit Vaidya came out of his terminal cancer with a radical change in mind and body, thinking and living life. Subsequently, he published his story in a book – Holy Cancer: How a Cow Saved My Life.

   I have multiple dental cavities and as a result, I suffer from halitosis in spite of good brushing. No mouth freshener or any mouthwash was able to solve my problem which persisted for years. Just out of curiosity, one day, I put ten drops of gomutra arka in water, gargled with it and drank it. The effect was marvelous! Bad breath stopped right from day one. I have come across books where multiple cases brag about unusual cures of a wide variety of ailments using their own urine! Although these claims seem to be outlandish, gomutra has got a definite edge over human urine which is evident from the following points which have emerged as a result of scientific research and evidence-based-studies.

   Ancient Ayurvedic texts like Sushrut Samhita, Ashtanga Sangraha and Bhav Prakash Nighantu refer to gomutra as sanjivani (elixir of life) or amrita (nectar). Over the last few years, gomutra has been a subject of sporadic research here and there. It is a great unfortunate paradox that medical institutions in India like IMC and AIMS expressed doubts over the healing properties of gomutra when research papers were submitted to them, a time when U.S. has already claimed two patents of gomutra.

   Hygienic Roles of Gomutra

   The following properties of gomutra endorse its role as an outstanding restorative of health and as an exceptional bio-enhancer. 

    ➣Antimicrobial Activity: Antimicrobial potency of gomutra is comparable to that of broad-spectrum antibiotics like Ciprofloxacin, Ampicillin, Chloramphenicol, Ofloxacin, Tetracycline etc. It has been found that in the treatment of tuberculosis, if gomutra is given along with the anti-tubercular drugs, their efficacy is increased up to 20 times! The cure is complete in less than half the normal recovery time and there is no relapse.

    ➣Antifungal and Antihelminthic Activity: The antifungal activity of gomutra is comparable to clotrimazole and antihelminthic activity to that of piperazine.

    ➣Immunostimulant Activity: Gomutra increases immunity by 1. Increasing production of neutrophils and lymphocytes 2. By increasing the phagocytosis 3. By increasing the production of antibodies and 4. By stimulating secretion of interleukin 1 and 2.

   Anticancer Activity: Gomutra has exceptional antioxidant and anticancer properties. The severity of all cancer symptoms (pain, burning, bleeding, inflammation etc.) start abating right with the first few doses of gomutra.

  • Buy Gomutra Arka here

In INDIAGomutra arka 
$ In US:       Gomutra arka

   R.M. Dhariya Cancer Hospital, Valsad (Gujarat, India) is a charitable cancer hospital run by Jain Missionaries that specializes in cancer cure using cow products. The hospital has many successful cancer cures – you just read of Mr. Amit Vaidya above – which vouch for the efficacy of 'cow therapy'. The most fortunate ones are those who come here when their cancer is still in its early stages. In this hospital, the patient is charged Rs.1 per day for food, accommodation and treatment! Needless to mention, the hospital runs on donations.

    ➢Detoxifying Activity: Any type of bodily imbalance means the accumulation of hazardous toxins in blood and vital organs like liver, kidney and brain. Gomutra works towards maintaining a healthy bodily milieu by addressing the needs of individual cells. It is capable of taking total control of your health by detoxifying a wide range of toxins and eliminating them.

                         Release of scalar energy 
                      Changes in cell permiability 
     Absorption of nutrients + Elimination of toxins 
                  Restoration of normal cell voltage 
                            (70-90 mili-volts)

Dosage: In a disease free state, the normal dose of gomutra is 10-12 drops in a half cup of water three times a day. During illness, this dose can be increased up to one tea-spoon three times a day in water. In severe disease states like cancer, the dose can be further increased to 100 ml a day. This quantity corresponds to the quantity specified bymultiple uses of a cow Vagbhatta in Ayurveda. This should be taken under medical supervision. Gomutra distillate is called as go-arka, both have got same medicinal properties. The gomutra of an indigenous strain of cow like Geer cow is the best. It is a hundred times better than the one derived from a hybrid or jersey variety. The desi or indigenous cow has got a hump on its back, the jersey hasn't. The gomutra of a cow which grazes freely under sun carries the highest medicinal properties.

   If one is comfortable with the filthy smell of alcohol, there is no reason why one should turn up the nose at the smell of gomutra?
