Strigent lockdown following the 1st wave of Corona epidemic was a blessing in disguise in some ways. People were not allowed to move outside due to lockdown restrictions and, as such, if you happened to suffer from a dental problem, dentists were not easily available to treat you as the fatality rate of Corona was over and above all predictions. Moreover, if your dental pain was due to progressive dental caries which requires drilling, many doctors opted to avoid doing such procedures due to the possibility of spread of infection following an aerosol. Having dental pain during the early Covid era forced you to make one of these two choices: Either accept dental pain to avoid Covid or be ready to accept Covid while treating dental pain. When the pain arising from my left upper premolar steadily increased keeping pace with steadily increasing Corona cases worldwide, I decided to bypass both these possibilities and try an entirely different approach.

My Dental Kit

   From my previous experience of dental caries, I assume that the dental caries and pain changes its character and severity while going through following stages:

   i. Appearance of black spots on the tooth without any pain
   ii. Increased tooth sensitivity to hot and cold as enamel thins out and dentine starts getting exposed
   iii. Sharp pain arises from the affected tooth while chewing food on that side
  iv. Continuous intolerable pain which doesn't yield to routine analgesics (pain killers) and requires urgent medical and/or surgical intervention by a dentist.

   One of the most unpleasant sensations one can experience, which robs you of sleep, peace and money. But worth experiencing at least once in a lifetime!

   Mine was at stage ii & iii. Nothing was visible in the mirror. I got hold of a technician and got the x-ray done. The x-ray showed an insidiously growing black streak slowly making its way towards the pulp of the tooth. (see x-ray image below). A small streak in the x-ray can mean a big cavity inside, as x-ray is just a two-dimensional view. In spite of brushing twice daily, the infection had taken roots starting from the gap that lies between two premolars which is not accessible to ordinary brushing. Eating sweets was almost a daily practice, but unfortunately, the routine oral cleaning was not sufficient enough to keep caries at bay. Caries of teeth is a tax one needs to pay for enjoying sweets, the notice of which comes in the form of pain. Here at this point, I decided to find ways to avoid this tax.☺

   Well, I thought, if body can grow broken bones, can't it grow eroded dentine or worn out enamel? Google et al replied in negative. Interestingly, there are experiments which show that mice can regrow dentine. Why not humans? I decided to experiment on my own tooth. I turned to traditional and homeo-herbal remedies.

   The objectives of my self-chosen dental treatment were as follows:

   i. To remove food particles from the cavity commonly not accessible to toothbrush.
   ii. To increase blood supply to gums and teeth.
   iii. To arrest the growth of the germs that cause and promote caries.
   iv. To encourage the intake of alkaline food in routine diet.
 v. To consume calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and vitamin D in sufficient quantities.
   vi. To maintain alkaline environment around the tooth and in the mouth cavity.

   Here is how I strived to accomplish each of the above objectives and valuable insights I got in the process, described one-by-one.

1. Removing Food Particles From The Cavity Commonly Not Accessible To Toothbrush

   Today I realize how much flossing is essential when it comes to oral hygeine. In fact, I would say, it is even more important than brushing. Brushing merely removes food particles sticking to exposed tooth surfaces. Only flossing will remove food particles trapped between the gaps. Monkeys never develop caries. Why? That is because the bulk of their food is fibre, they won't eat chocolates or other bloody sweets. This is the reason, why in spite of no brushing or no flossing they have perfect teeth. This is one point of beauty where apes do score over humans!

   I tried three types of flosses. Colgate floss is okay. However, being smooth and waxy, it doesn't attract many food particles. Unifloss is really good. It does remove hidden food particles from the gaps. What I found was that the ordinary cotton thread used for sewing clothes is as good and moreover, less expensive. Smear a piece of thread with Neem tincture (Azadirecta Q) and then floss with it taking care not to injure gums. You will be surprised to see how many trapped residues it removes from in between the gaps. Thus, flossing is the best preventive measure as far as the maintenance of teeth hygiene is considered. But there is a limitation: It won't go deep into the cavities. There is a type of brush called Interdental Brush, very intelligently designed. It has a flexible head with soft tiny bristles attached all around 360° to it. I used Thermoseal Proxa and satisfactorily enough, it is capable of cleaning the dental cavities and removing debris to a much greater extent than floss. From the size of the debris it dug out, I could figure out that the size of my cavity was not smaller than a wheat grain.

2. Increasing Blood Supply To Gums And Teeth

   A good blood supply to any body part is an important prerequisite in order to supply proper nutrition. A tooth is no exception. But how do you know whether your mouth cavity has a good blood supply or not? There is a simple test. If the saliva in your mouth cavity smells foul after you wake up in the morning, the blood supply of your oral cavity is inadequate or poor. You might probably have bad breath, too. There are two ways we can increase the blood supply of gums and teeth: massaging and gargling with warm water. We never bother to massage gums while cleaning mouth after eating food. This is a big mistake and a big ignorance. This can also be achieved with acupressure. By pressing over the acupressure points of the teeth which lie on the skin directly overlying the roots of the teeth, you can't miss that feeling of 'renewed strength' after a round of acupressure. This is best done early in the morning. Sometimes, massaging is followed by bleeding even in the absence of vitamin C deficiency. That should be ignored. A healthy blood supply to the gums and teeth delays decay, recession of jaw bone and loosening of the teeth which may occur with advancing age. Rinsing the mouth cavity with warm water after eating cold food stuff is as essential. Cold food reduces the blood supply of the jaw by vasoconstriction and it may remain in that state for days together. I have experienced a kind of strange pain that remained in the jaw for a week after I had eaten a good quantity of ice-cream. This was baffling initially as it didn't yield to any remedy. But it promptly vanished after I rinsed my mouth with warm water. Those with frequent bad breath must try these two simple treatments just discussed - massaging gums and warm water rinses. These will prove far more effective than eating menthol tablets, which are good just for masking the bad odor

3. Arresting The Growth Of Caries-Causing Organisms

   There are a few well-known established medicines since ancient times which are known for their germicidal properties. Some of which I tried : i. Azadirecta Q - prepared from Neem ii. Plantago Q - prepared from wild plantain iii. Asafoetida iv. Gomutra ark v. Hydrogen peroxide

   i. & ii. Azadirecta Q + Plantago Q : Mixture of these two tinctures is not only powerful bactericidal but also heals the pain arising out of carious tooth. A number of cases stand testimony to this fact. Just add 5 drops of this mixture in half cup of warm water and ask them to consume it 2-3 times a day depending on the severity of pain. Also, ask them to massage the gums with this mixture added to coconut oil before going to bed. The results are no less than miraculous.
   iii. Asafetida: A common ingredient found among the kitchen spices, asafetida is being used in traditional medicines for caries and acute otitis media. You can literally stuff the carious tooth or the cavity with asafetida powder and leave it there for some time. It will stimulate copious salivation which can be swished around in the mouth before spitting out. A pinch of asafetida is enough. Too much of it will cause burning.
   iv. Gomutra Ark : Widely investigated and utilized in recent times, gomutra ark is a distillate prepared from distillation of desi cow urine. It has been found to have powerful bactericidal, viricidal, antifungal and anti-cancer properties. The moment you take it (5 drops in 1/2 cup of water) into your mouth, you instantly experience its far-reaching effects not only in mouth but in nasal cavities and mouth, too. Swish it for a few seconds and its effect of freshness will linger for sometime. Taken into stomach, it will remove bad breath and destroy harmful pathogens in the gut while encouraging the growth of useful intestinal flora. Before flossing, you can smear the thread with it before you proceed. * Sprays of gomutra ark and asafetida solutions are also effective on diseased plants in the garden.
   v. Hydrogen Peroxide H₂O₂ : I will never forget the wretched feeling I experienced when I took 3% solution of H₂O₂ in mouth. I couldn't hold it for more than 2-3 seconds and threw it out vowing never to repeat it again. The mouth got filled with a most unpleasant sensation, a sensation as if something was stripped off from the teeth came over upon spitting it out. This feeling remained there for 5-6 days. It was a sensation as if enamel had been harmed and this explains why H₂O₂ is used as a teeth whitener. It might as be destructive to caries but one doesn't see any point in using it at the cost of stripping or injuring your enamel.

4. Encouraging The Intake Of Alkaline Food In Routine Diet.

   The pH of the saliva varies with the type of food that we eat. Maintaining alkaline environment in the oral cavity is essential to prevent the growth and proliferation of caries causing bacteria. Streptococcus mutans and other notorious gangsters need acidic environment in order to proliferate before they start drilling into your enamel. And the main culprit which forms acid is sugar (carbs). Another culprit is white floor (maida) which sticks on and in between teeth and is difficult to dislodge. Around 25 years back, people didn't use to have many dental complaints. I don't remember anyone from my close relations who used to brush regularly before going to bed barring one or two. Visits to dentists were infrequent. And today, in spite of good care, we tend to develop caries and cavities. ☹ Diet must be the key factor. In old days, sweets were made only during festivals and special occasions. Moreover, salads and raw organic vegetables were used to be consumed in high proportions. Today, sweets and desserts is a common occurrence and on the top of it, fruits and veggies are losing their nutritional value. Over time, our diets have become more and more acidic than alkaline and increasingly deficient in calcium and vitamin D3. It is no surprise that the teeth become victims of such unwholesome diet.

   Two types of remedies stand out prominently when it comes to maintaining alkaline environment in the oral cavity or preventing acidic state:

   i. Oil Pulling
   ii. Consuming green leafy veggies

   i. Oil Pulling

   This remedy finds its reference in ancient Ayurvedic texts. Unquestionably, there seems a sound scientific logic behind using it for caries.

   Three types of oils are mainly suggested - coconut oil, sesame oil and olive oil. These oils are alkaline in nature due to their high pH value and hence, prevent the growth of micro-organisms. Secondly, oils can dislodge the sticky food matter adhering to the teeth which water can't do. Just try a little experiment. Eat something sticky, like chocolate or biscuit, and try to remove it by rinsing the mouth with water. You will find that water cannot remove sticky matter completely. Now take one tablespoon of oil in your mouth and swish it till it becomes foamy and frothy ~ 10-15 minutes. Then spit it out (not in the basin). You will find that oil has removed most of the sticky matter from your teeth. You will also feel a protective and soothing coating on your teeth which is exactly opposite of what you feel after taking hydrogen peroxide or citrus juice in your mouth.

   Another added advantage of oil pulling is that the oil sucks toxins from your buccal mucus membrane owing to its viscus nature and this treatment can yield wonderful results in people suffering from auto-immune diseases. The term 'oil pulling' is so pertinent that the oil not only pulls the sticky matter sticking to your teeth but also those toxins which flow under the mucus membrane. Surprisingly enough, oil pulling helped me reduce my chronic back-pain (can't figure out how) besides bestowing dental benefits.

   The only downside is, although effective, this treatment can be expensive. It needs to be practiced for a few weeks. And if you happen to sneeze, cough or get a phone call while holding the oil in your mouth, you have to repeat it all over again!

   ii. Eating Greens

   Green plants are alkaline. Besides, they are full of calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium and zinc. Calcium and phosphorus are essential for tooth formation. Today, you will find most of the population taking calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc tablets to make up for the deficiency. Greens are also full of antioxidants and fibers which clean the teeth naturally. Paradoxically and surprisingly enough, we never bother to eat greens as much as they are needed in spite of its low cost.

   Besides eating raw coriander, mint, celery, radish greens etc which are regular members of our everyday vegetable basket, one can also eat marigold leaves, moringa leaves, curry leaves, guava and chikoo leaves, tender mango and jamun leaves, wheatgrass. These plants are commonly found in domestic gardens. After chewing it thoroughly, the unchewable fibrous portion can be discarded. Citrus fruits like lemon, sour oranges etc should be avoided as they can cause more harm to the teeth than benefit due to their acidic content. There are many other benefits of eating greens. I know a case of a person who cured himself of osteoporosis by eating only curry leaves for a few weeks where calcium supplements had failed. Moringa and Ficus racemosa leaves give you a tremendous boost of energy for your daily work. Marigold leaves impart a refreshing feeling to the mouth which is more agreeable than any mouthwash. Amla, glycyrrhiza and jasmine leaves leave a sweetish taste in mouth which lingers for hours together. Jamun and guava leaves create tightening effect on the gums. Moringa leaves are not that palatable but they are full of nutrients. Basil and neem leaves should not be eaten on a regular basis.

5. Consuming Vitamin D3 And Other Essential Minerals Required For Dental Reconstruction

   We all know bones and teeth are formed from calcium and Vitamin D3. No matter what measures you take to heal your caries, you will not get satisfactory results if you are deficient in calcium and vitamin D. Off late, a number of combinations are coming up with magnesium, boron and vitamin K2 . More than 75% of the population is deficient in magnesium which is an important factor in tooth remineralization process. Boron plays multiple roles in tooth formation by speeding up many enzymatic processes. Vitamin K2 is a newcomer in the bunch. Its role in laying down calcium salts to the eroded places and thus increasing the density is being more and more highlighted. I have tried a few of these combinations and from my experience I can say that you can feel the difference in pain and sensitivity within 24 hours of starting this supplement. You can crush these tablets to make their powder. Apply this powder to your teeth and go to sleep. Leave it there overnight and allow it to mix with the saliva and go down your throat. When the tablet or its powder dissolves in the saliva, a healthy interaction between odontoblast cells (cells found deep inside the tooth which promote remineralization of tooth) encourage dentine formation. Let the taste not discourage you from chewing it. Alternatively, you can mix the powder in the coconut oil and apply it on your teeth before going to bed. I have tried this on many individuals with teeth sensitivity issues. The results are remarkable, more gratifying than Sensodine or other anti-sensitivity toothpastes used commonly. Once-a-day multivitamin tablets are as effective for this purpose as specially formulated D3-K2-Ca-Mg combinations for bones and teeth. Vide Complete Dental Kit given below

   For children, you can make a 'tasty edible liquid gel' as follows: Get orange flavored vitamin D3 liquid from the market. (e.g. Depura by Sanofi is a good one). Add to it powdered multivitamin + a pinch of liquorice powder + 2 drops of clove oil. Mix it well using a dry toothpick. Adjust the proportion till it becomes honey-like. This can be applied to the teeth using a soft toothbrush. Leave it there for a few minutes and ask the kids to swallow it. This is as effective as chewing a multivitamin tablet. Even adults can use it.

More Considerations On Tooth Recalcification

   A good blood supply is the most important factor for the recovery of any damaged organ in the body. People who have a healthy blood supply of teeth enjoy good dental health in spite of poor maintenance of oral hygiene. The reverse is as true. If the blood supply of teeth is not adequate, frequent dental complaints occur in spite of good maintenance of oral hygiene. As discussed above, the absence of fowl saliva in the mouth after you wake up is an indication of good blood supply and hygiene of oral cavity. There are a few simple and healthy changes we can make in our routine to encourage proper blood supply to the jaws.

   i. Practicing yogasanas with head-low position: This will encourage more blood flow to the head due to gravity. Such postures extend benefit not only to teeth but to all special senses including brain.
   ii. Discard Pillow During Sleep: This becomes a habit with little practice. This practice reduces the total sleep duration and refreshes the individual earlier than usual.
   iii. Reduce Phytates In The Diet: Heart-shaped seeds like almonds, sesame, brazil nuts, linseed, pumpkin contain a high amount of phytic acid. Phytic acid impedes the absorption of calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc into the blood. Vitamin C had the potential to overcome the influence of phytic acid significantly. Thus vitamin C acts indirectly in the process of mineralization of injured tooth. Soaking and fermenting the grains are other processes which can reduce phytic acid in the grains.
   iv. Gum Massage: Already discussed above.

Maintaining Alkaline Environment Around The Carious Tooth

   This can be easily achieved by applying a oil mixture if you are ready to bear a little bitterish taste. Mix neem oil and coconut oil in the proportion of 1:5 (neem oil is extremely bitter). After each food intake brush your teeth and apply this mixture in the dental cavity with a cotton bud or on the carious surface of the tooth. This will provide a round-the-clock healing environment locally. As far as my cavity was concerned, which was hidden between two adjacent surfaces of the teeth and hence, not accessible to a bud, I had to use Themoseal Proxa brush to deliver the oil in the cavity. Of all the remedies that I tried, this one has given me prompt and satisfactory results. You can as well inject the oil into the cavity using a syringe, but that is a risky maneuver.


   I have tried each and every remedy I described above while observing the merits of each. In case of dental pain arising from caries, it is wrong to expect 'hey presto' results from any remedy. Patience is the most important factor and the mandatory confinement imposed by the Covid lockdown gave you no other choice but to wait and watch! During the first few days and weeks, the results were indistinct. The amelioration of pain was immediately followed by a hope and disappearance of it was followed by despair. Gradually, the moments of despair became fewer and fewer as more and more signs of sustained recovery became apparent. As the pain eased up gradually and instances of sharp pain greatly reduced in frequency, a feeling of confidence gradually built up . Now I could easily chew from the affected side which was not possible before. After nearly eight months of sincerely practicing different kinds of remedies, I was in a position to say that the pain was 99% gone but some sensitivity issues were still there which unveil themselves while eating too hot or too cold foodstuff. A year after taking the initial x-ray, I decided to repeat one. Gladly enough, the black streak was gone! The takeaway is, there is no miracle medicine which will fabricate the degenerated tooth. Given sufficient time and appropriate nutrition, the human body has the capacity to regenerate the degenerated tooth.

   Those who say that heart is the most tender and dentine is the hardest part in the body, should reconsider their statement! When dental pain starts, everything goes topsy-turvy. The tooth becomes the most tender part in your body and you have to bear its pain with a tough heart! Your first-hand experience teaches you more than hundreds of medical books. A little bit of experimentation needs to be carried out. The noteworthy thing is, during all the above described dental trials, I didn't cut down a bit on my intake of sweets, because the idea of cutting down on sweets seems more painful than the exposed dentine, you know! ๐Ÿ˜Ž