In the last article, you worked out your HEALTH SCORE after going through the health questionnaire. In the following article, we will try to elaborate comprehensively each of those factors.

   Body is the most sophisticated machine. Do you perform its periodical servicing? When your Honda breaks down, you take it to a Honda service center; when your Whirlpool refrigerator tries to heat you up, you take to a Whirlpool service station; when your Samsung mobile throws tantrums, you take it to a Samsung service center; the company which has manufactured that product. Similarly, when the body falls ill, one must approach nature and let it do its work. Provided sufficient time is given and the causative factor is removed, most of the illnesses could be cured, including cancers. Intervention by modern medical techniques is required only if the damage caused by the disease is beyond the capacity of the body to heal naturally. Our minds have been prejudiced by the fact (lie, actually!) that a sickness cannot be cured without consuming pricey tablets and syrups.

Factors affecting Health Score

Let's have some insight into the various points in the questionnaire.

1. Frequency of Consuming Food and HEALTH

   A camel can go without water for many days provided it has got enough in store! In the prime state of health, a man can stay energetically active for many hours without consuming food. The ability of various endocrine glands to digest food completely and extract energy from it is severely compromised in chronic diseases. Such individuals require food in small quantities at regular intervals. In the normal state, unnecessary frequent food consumption will give rise to obesity.

2. The Type of Food and HEALTH

   The tongue craves which the body requires the least or vice versa, the body doesn’t receive the necessary nutrition due to the whims of the taste buds and their weird demands. Put another way, such food is crammed into the intestines which would create an extra load on the body for its digestion and elimination. Beyond a certain limit, it invites disease. Extracting healthy energy from such food to run the body processes is a far cry. Had Einstein been a health researcher, he would have said: Matter can be converted into energy, bad matter into negative energy and good matter into positive energy, a fact we all experience.

The type of food mentioned in the options below the question 1 is arranged into the ascending order of nutritive value. The first one ‘a’ indicates the worst, most acidic or heavy food, ‘e’ indicates the best, alkaline, light and healthiest food. ‘B’, ‘c’ and ‘d’ types are graded in between. ‘A’ type of food gives rise to noxious oxidizing free radicals while ‘e’ type supplies abundant antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. “A’ type of food is made to last longer periods due to the added artificial chemicals and preservatives (one of the worst inventions man made in the last century), while ‘e’ type needs to be consumed fresh. 90% of the causes of most diseases find their origin in food. Little but significant changes in food types could improve your health considerably.

3. The Type of Water and HEALTH

   Water could be dead; water could be alive. Enough experiments have been carried out by scientists to prove this fact. The different types of water given under the options are arranged in ascending order of vital energy it carries. The water which flows over the rocks, which is in constant motion and which consorts with the sunlight, is the best water hygienically. One interesting fact about the human body is, our skin has got the maximum ability to extract energy from the water it comes in contact with. This being stated, bathing with fresh energetic water is as rejuvenating as drinking it. In magnet therapy or color therapy or gem therapy, water is used as a vehicle to transmit the medical properties of that particular color or magnet or precious stone.

  Naturally, a question arises: How can a city dweller get the best kind of water as springs are not found everywhere. Orgonite water is the best option one can always have in the house, more about it later.

4. Type of Exercise and HEALTH

   Exercise is as essential to the body as rest, intense activity is as essential as intense (deep) rest. Human body has been fashioned this way. The best exercise is that which pumps oxygen into the lungs, increases the circulation, increases the flexibility of the tissues without tiring the body. What is the difference between exercise and labor? Exercise recharges the body battery up while labor or exertion drains it down. Type and timing are the two main factors which determine the quality or effectiveness of that exercise. Accordingly, exercises could be arranged in descending order, as follows: A combination of outdoor vigorous exercises (sports, swimming, cycling etc.) and non-vigorous exercises (yoga, pranayama, tai-chi etc.) taken in the morning is better than any one of these taken in the morning is better than these two taken in the evening is better than any one of these taken in the evening is better than any exercise taken at night.

5. Rate of Breathing and HEALTH

   There is something called as the cardio-respiratory tone of the body. The more fit one is, this tone is more developed, which causes heart and lung freelance more efficiently, which means they can have longer rest between two cycles and hence, very low heart and respiratory rates. Such strong heart-lung duo can pull in that degree of job in one stroke which otherwise would have taken more attempts for less efficient ones. Have you heard of the stories of yogis who can stop their hearts and breathing as long as they desire? Tortoise, snake, parrot enjoy a long life because of their too low heart and respiratory rates.

6. Infections and HEALTH

   Body resistance and health are directly related. There is no need to explain this point which is so obvious.

7. Sensitivity to Atmospheric Factors and HEALTH

   Some people complain – Winter is the terrible season for me, I am totally fit in the summer. Few others grumble – I hate sun. The cooler, the better. There are some who look askance at cloudy weather – I am totally screwed up in humid weather, humidity makes me feel crippled.

   Certain diseases appear in certain types of weather only, e.g. asthma in rainy season, joint pains in humid conditions, certain skin diseases in winter or certain digestive or urinary complaints in hot weather. A sturdy person is he who can tolerate all types of weather well.

8. Sunshine and HEALTH

   How much money have you spent on purchasing the tablets of vitamin D? It is big industry nowadays! You could have easily avoided that had you let the sunshine fall regularly on your skin. Sunrays convert vitamin D from an inactive form into an active form which serves multiple roles in the body. Sunshine perks our mood up, so does vitamin D. Those with lower quantities are prone to depression. Apart from strengthening bones and teeth, D vitamin elevates immunity and maintains the efficiency of nerves and muscles. Get your levels checked if you work in air-conditioned cabins, sitting in front of screens for long hours while consuming coke or similar soft drinks and eating processed foodstuff. This is nothing but committing suicide, steadily but surely. Such habits tend to demineralize the bones and vitiates the body. Insufficient vitamin D means a fragile body frame and faster ageing.

9. Feet in Contact with the Ground and HEALTH

   The second law of thermodynamics comes into play here – Energy flows from higher concentration to lower concentration until it achieves equilibrium. Just try this experiment. When you are excessively tired or feeling out of sorts, go out and walk barefoot on the earth or sand. The earth will drain this negative energy and give forth positive one. In addition to this, walking barefoot will press acupressure points in the sole which will activate positive energy channels. Try this few minutes a day for a week and see the effect. Ever observed, folk working in gardens or farms rarely see the doctors?

10. Sleep and HEALTH

   Just as a disease creates blocks in the waking state, it creates during sleep, too. More the blocks, more will be the time required to round off the daily quota of sleep which must be provided. Very often, the exit of a disease from the body is manifested by the occurrence of a very deep sleep. The quality of sleep is inversely proportional to its quantity. Minimum duration of refreshing sleep indicates a disease-free state.

11. Everyday Medicines and HEALTH

   Unfortunately, few myths dominate the minds of educated and uneducated alike, such as: 1. If one doesn’t take medicines, his disease won’t be cured. 2.A More the number of medicines, the faster will be the cure. 3.The costlier the medicine, the more effective it will be. 4.The latest drugs in the market must be a miracle drug, at least the company says so! 5.I can stop the medicine once my test reports are normal. 5. A chronic disease can’t be cured, only controlled. (doctor’s myth)

   Was there no medicine and no cures before the modern drugs were invented? Paradoxically, modern medicines invariably tend to procreate undesirable side effects for every desired effect, although fast in action. Take a drug for allergy and it will give rise to constipation and urinary retention. Take an antibiotic and it will try to kill healthy cells, too, giving rise to a chain of untoward actions besides lowering your immunity. Take an analgesic and it will cause acidity. Take an antacid and it will disturb your natural appetite. Take a steroid and be prepared for an added recurrence. Take a cholesterol lowering drug and be prepared to suffer cramps. Take a sedative for a few days and you won’t sleep without taking it! The examples are endless…..And, the patient is asked to consume medicines lifelong for chronic diseases. Some of the newer drugs are so horrible that they will neither let you die nor they will let you live. If modern surgery is a boon (which is a fact), modern medicines is a curse in more than three-fourths of the cases. By the time one reaches 50, he starts getting trapped into the vicious circle of the medicines which becomes increasingly and imperceptibly difficult to get rid of. There are definite means to get out of this but it needs to be practised under expert guidance. An ideal medicine is one which will push the disease inside out and not just suppress it under one’s hat. The shrewd pharmaceutical companies produce such drugs which – 1. won’t eliminate the disease, and 2. the action of which will be over after a few hours so that you have to take another dose, probably lifelong, so their business goes on at the cost of your ill health. I have seen so many doctors who won’t take medicines they prescribe to their patients!

12. Age of Detection of the Chronic Disease and HEALTH

   In the modern era, diseases are not attacking us, but we are inviting them Diseases which used to be detected once during 60s ad 70s are now being detected during 40s and 30s. While talking about pollution, we talk about air pollution, water pollution and food adulteration. Nobody bothers to mention radioactive or electromagnetic radiation which has already become a part of our surroundings. We live in a maze of an electromagnetic sea of waves emitted by mobile towers and many household gadgets. We drink water purified by UV rays and eat food griddled in a microwave which also uses electromagnetic radiation to heat the food. It seems that the modern science has sworn to move man further and further away from nature by placing him amidst radiation filled atmosphere, providing him with processed food , replacing normal water by fluorinated water or sweetened beverages. The combined result of all these taken together is, again, premature ageing and rapid loss of vitality.

13. Meditation and HEALTH

   When a disease is suppressed for long enough, its roots penetrate down to the level of the subconscious. Meditation provides a channel which connects subconscious with the conscious. As a rule, the mind controls all the gross organs and when it is cleansed by virtue of meditation, this salubrious state of mind is also reflected externally. Weep if you must, confess if you must, open your heart, lean on someone whom you uphold and venerate, but the conscience has to be trash-free. Subconscious is the root, mind is the stem, organs the foliage and emotions are the flowers. Mere beautiful body with a diseased or disturbed mind is like a five-star hotel with a terrorist sitting hidden inside with a gun. Sooner or later, it is going to create havoc. There is no use reinforcing external security. The only way is to devitalize the intruder by curbing his food or air supply and driving him out. Meditation done in a scientific manner can reach down to the roots of a chronic disease and undermines it. A healthy mind always gives rise to healthy body and healthy feelings.

The Spectrum of Health

   The spectrum of health has a positive side, a negative side and a middle portion.

   Towards positive side of this spectrum, there is surplus energy. No matter how hard you work, some energy always remains behind to do some extra work. In this part of the spectrum, energy freely moves the body. Those having health score 40 and above are placed in this part of the spectrum.

   In the middle part of the spectrum, the capacity of the body to perform daily tasks is limited and rest often is required to carry on. Here, the health score falls between 20 and 40.

   In the lower part of the spectrum, there is energy deficit, always. One has to drag his body to perform even simple daily tasks. Those having health score below 20 fall under this spectrum.

Find out your HEALTH SCORE