"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience but we are spiritual beings come to have a human experience on this planet."
– Dr. Brian Weiss


Enlightened masters of Heaven

   Life evolves through interactions, life degenerates through interactions. Both the statements are true. Every one of us has to face problems arising out of strained relationships and most of us seek the help of counselors. Each counselor has got
his own perspective towards interpersonal relationships and he will try to solve the issue in consonance with his own assumptions, experience and judgements. The outcome could be unpredictable. While life goes on on the planet, the governors of the spiritual kingdom are always watching over us. They are quite familiar with our problems and they have got their own views and solutions to our problems. Call them celestial counselors. They are not only aimed at restoring and tuning up the strained relationship but at the same time enabling the soul to progress spiritually, too. You must be wondering how one can have access to these enlightened masters! Yes, the technology to contact the higher dimensional spiritual beings has existed since time immemorial but we did not have many people practice that technique or those who did it never did it publicly or did not come into the limelight.

   If one is able to interact with a soul at a stage that falls between his two lives, he is on the right platform to communicate with the enlightened masters who hang out in higher dimensions. It is a well-known, researched and evidence-based fact that before coming back in lower dimensions in a physical body, a soul is supposed to take a few lessons, depending on the stage of his evolution. These lessons are theoretical and he is expected to implement those lessons in his practical life when he is sent down here on the planet. Past life regression is one of the means to communicate with the enlightened masters through a soul when he can be regressed back to the transitional stage which lies between his two lives. Dr. Brian Weiss, a clinical psychiatrist-turned-regression therapist has done thousands of past-life regressions and, in the process, he has received invaluable guidelines from spiritual masters. Dr. Weiss says that these guidelines were often received amidst tremendous energy of care and compassion. And these principles have really worked wonders in the lives of patients who employed those codes of conduct. His book MESSAGES FROM THE MASTERS is full of such guidance. We will look at some of those valuable codes of conduct.


   "Relationships are wonderful but difficult opportunities to learn, they are our main source of learning in the physical state. In relationships, our emotions are stirred up, more reactions are called forth. They are our best indicators to show how we are doing and how adjacent we are to our pre-determined life plan.

   We carry debts that must be paid. If we fail to settle these debts, then we must carry them to another life so that they may be cleared. We won’t progress until we have paid these debts. If you fail to do so, you must return to the plane of recollection and there you must wait until the soul you owe the debt to has come to see you. And when you both go on the physical plane at the same time, there is yet another opportunity presented to you. There will be many lifetimes to fulfill the agreements.

   You, yourself, may have chosen the more difficult life so that you could accelerate your spiritual growth. More learning can occur when there are many obstacles than when there are few or none. A life without difficult relationships or obstacles presents little opportunity for the soul’s growth.

   Happiness always comes from within. It is never dependent on external things or other people. You would be easily hurt if you expect happiness from the actions and behavior of other people.

   When we die and our souls rise to higher dimensions, our thoughts, our deeds, our desires, our knowledge and our aims go with us. How we treated others in relationships is counted in the spiritual kingdom and not what material trash we have accumulated.

   Boys are socially trained to be more aggressive, more competitive, more obstinate and girls are taught to be more complacent, more passive and more obliging. Boys should be raised to express more sensitivity, to be more co-operative. Today, the world is engulfed by the violence caused almost exclusively by men. The biological influences are tendencies, they could be overcome by the conscious will.

   The conscious decision to choose the loving path leads to subconscious reawakening to the spiritual truth that we are spirit and soul, not a body and sense organs. Our essence is to be divine and immortal. Once it starts awakening, accepting love, non-violence, compassion, charity, faith, hope, forgiveness, etc become second nature to us.

   We keep on revolving in painful cycles of births and deaths as long as we do not attain our real spiritual nature.

   The greatest art of life is to love others without getting attached to them. This is a common thread we come across in the lives of enlightened saints.

   Some switching of sexes occurs over the course of many lifetimes. We have all been men and we have all been women. We have been through different religions, different races and different hierarchies. The purpose is to learn from all sides.

   Some will lag behind because, even though we are all traveling on the same path, we are not progressing at the same speed. It is the job of those who are leading the trail to reach back and guide those who are dropping behind.

   Physical illness often follows when one succumbs to unwanted commitments. It is the way of the body of saying ‘no’. Stress is when your mind says no but your mouth says – yes.

   We should not let our fears and prejudices stand in the way of interpreting any life event. The reality could be way different from what we think or anticipate.

   One of the most important of life’s lessons is to learn independence. This means independence from attachments.

   Breaking attachments does not mean abandoning a loving and meaningful relationship, it means ending dependency on any person or thing.

   Love is an absolute, unconditional and timeless entity that doesn’t seek anything in return.

   Let outer traits like alluring talk, attractive dress or polished habits not blind you. Learn to see with your heart, not with your eyes.

   Turn off the television, put down the newspaper and concentrate on the relationships. Soulful relationships bring true joy into our lives.

   When in doubt, choose your heart, not the head. Harmony between head and heart means harmony between experience and intuition. The more you practice listening to that silent inner voice, the more you will judge the situation better.

   Do not take away someone’s self-esteem because he is dependent on you. Be more compassionate and less judgmental.

   Listen carefully, hold hands more often, compliment from the heart.

   Winning an argument can be losing if ego is involved. You can never completely erase the wounds inflicted by words of anger or hate.

   Letting go of anger is difficult. If you always let go within five days, why not within three days, why not within two days, why not in one hour….? Try to recognize the causes of incipient fights and angry feelings when disputes ensue, negotiate and compromise while keeping your egos aside. Why hold on to it and suffer needlessly?

   Forgive the past because it is over.

   You are not icebergs floating separately, you are the water that connects them.

   Although everything does not always seem to work out on the overt, physical level, these things always come to terms on the spiritual level and even eventually on the physical, too, if not in this lifetime, then in the next.

   It is not wrong, sinful or unspiritual to be happy and to have fun. You cannot graduate from this school until you learn to be joyful. It is the source of the joy that matters the most.

   Our path is an inward one. This is the more difficult path, the more painful journey. We bear the responsibility for our own learning".

   After reading all this, one can’t but wonder that this universe is being governed so systematically with a definite purpose behind it. Beyond our physical dimension, the ‘unseen’ world seems to be populated by a myriad of spirits of varying abilities, progression and evolution. Our position lies somewhere in between! Marianne Williamson put it aptly-

  Love is what we are born with. Fear is what we have learned here. The spiritual journey is the unleashing of fear and the acceptance of love back into the hearts.

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