melodious bird sounds

   Birds are all over - up in the sky, down in a garden, right on the trees, around our homes and now in our mobiles, too. They were our earliest companions when we started life as infants. If at all there is a paradise somewhere, it can't exist without birds, or one could say, where there are birds, there is a paradise. Rampant human interference might have made their life hell but the birds have always tried to create heaven on the earth wherever they went. And they probably don't know that some of them are the topmost singers, topmost musicians, topmost dancers, topmost architects, topmost construction engineers and topmost candidates for any beauty pageant. Most of them are gifted with melodious voice-boxes in their throats which produce such exotic notes that can't be imitated by a musical instrument. Their orchestra is always a treat to the ears irrespective of any rhythm, order, synchronization or time of a day when it occurs. From the good collection of bird sounds that I have, I have tried to upload some selected bird songs. Go through them. They are bound to make your day mellifluous.

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