"When you walk towards the east, the west automatically falls behind."

- Ramakrishna Paramhansa

The angels

Addict: What's wrong if I take drugs, alcohol or nicotine?

The Enlightened: There is absolutely nothing wrong with taking drugs,

alcohol or nicotine (DAN). It's your money and you have every right to utilize your money the way you desire.

Addict: But…..

The Enlightened: What but…. ?

Addict: But then why do people point towards us with suspicion? Why does a cloud of suspicion follow us wherever we go?

The Enlightened: People are foolish! They don't realize that you have been given a stock of fire and you are at complete liberty to use it the way you want – to cook your own food, to burn down your house or that of the others! Don't pay attention to what people say.

Addict: That's true. But why do I feel a sense of guilt whenever I resort to DAN? I haven't harmed anybody. Why do I feel restless, internally?

The Enlightened: Are you sure you haven't harmed anybody?

Addict: I am damn sure about that.

The Enlightened: Do you feel mentally and physically as sound as you used to, before you started using DAN?

Addict: I must agree, I am worse.

The Enlightened: Doesn't it mean that you have harmed yourself and people dependent on you for their living?

Addict: That's true.

The Enlightened: Still, don't mind. Our Universe operates on the law of free will. Go ahead, you are free to consume DAN whenever you wish!!
Addict: But I need to have something to overcome stress and for relaxation.
The Enlightened: Dear, there are 3 ways or solutions to overcome any problem including stress:

   1. Short-term solution
   2. Long-term solution
   3. Permanent solution

Which one do you want?


Addict: I didn't get your point. Will you elaborate by giving some examples?

The Enlightened: Sure.

Short-term solution is the easiest way to overcome your problem. In fact, it is a pseudo-solution because it makes you forget your problem. The problem remains as it was! It is a false sense of freedom from the problem and its other concomitants like guilt, suspicion, anxiety, depression etc. which follow that problem. Once the effect of the DAN is over, the problems pop up again and start haunting you again as before and you feel like going back to your old ways…. Your DAN falls under this category. The majority of the people (more than 95%) resort to these ways. Needless to say, their attempts to elude the problem go in vain.

Addict: What is the long-term solution?

The Enlightened: Face the problem instead of running away from it. For example, if you are squeezed under the burden of a debt, you have to commit yourself, work hard and repay your debt. It takes time, but you are going to be victorious at the end, if not today, tomorrow. Don't expect your stone to hit the target every time, but one out of ten surely will. If you feel lonely, resort to cultivating enriching hobbies like music, art, gardening, research in your favorite field, etc. These are great concomitants to your life and they will prevent you from being diverted to bad ways.

Addict: Great! I wish my life had taken this turn long back. What is the permanent solution anyway?

The Enlightened: You can't jump directly to a permanent solution without going through the long-term solution first for some time. The permanent solution involves becoming one or surrendering to Universal will. This is a spiritual pathway. Here, a soul remains connected to Universal will like a radar to a satellite. He doesn't get carried away by any loss or by unexpected gains. He slowly marches towards a state of unwavering bliss which is beyond all these two. Very few people strive for this.

Addict: Never before did anyone reveal this to me. But why do only a few fortunate ones are exposed to these ways and why do any unfortunate ones turn to untoward ways?

The Enlightened: Dear one, the direction in which one would desire to lead his life depends upon three factors, mainly:

   1. The habits inculcated by your parents in your childhood

   2. The kind of books you read
   3. Your friend-circle or company

   A strong influence by any one of these is capable of saving you from deviating in the wrong direction. Any one of the bad influences which are ready to attack you from all directions all the time, is capable of spoiling your life in the absence of any of these three. 

Addict: How should I start with? I am confused.

The Enlightened: Who do you think is your ideal who is capable of changing your life for the better?

Addict: (After pondering for a while), XYZ

The Enlightened: Start reading his life right from today, start following in his footsteps and don't stop until you reach your goal is reached, associate with good company and admit your faults whenever you find one. Follow this and just observe the miracle which is awaiting to unfold from beyond 'the cloud of suspicion' hovering over you!

Addict: But will it help me get over my obsessions or bad ways?

The Enlightened: When you walk towards the east, the west automatically falls behind.

Addict: But I am sure to feel down when someone calls me an addict.

The Enlightened: Do you know that everyone is an addict? One can't progress without becoming an addict in the field he chooses. I, too, am an addict!

Addict: Hallelujah! You have inspired me like never before.

The Enlightened: Best of luck!