Shayari is a form of deep, sentimental poetry, the origin of which is found in the Middle East. Shayari revolves around the love between the two souls. This could be love with any ordinary soul or with the Almighty, the pattern is the same,
only the direction is different. A shayari is a never-ending source of pleasure for a ‘beating’ heart irrespective of whether that person has gone through that experience before or not. Like a lingering perfume, the charm of a shayari loiters for a while after one has read it, the meaning between the lines being more appealing than the actual words! The world of shayari is a world full of thorns and roses, it is so compelling that it never fails to cast a spell on you, provided the shayari is a genuine one. On a battlefield, soldiers bleed to win castles; in the same vein, if you find the words of a shayari captivating, just know for certain that someone’s heart has bled before these words hatched into the existence.

✷महफील भले ही प्यार करने वालो की हो.....!!❤
उसमे रौनक तो दिल टुटा हुआ शायर ही लाता है।….!!❤

In a congregation of lovers, it is the poet with a broken heart who brings a splendor to that assembly. (known as a shayar)

✶किसी ने कहा आपकी आँखे बड़ी खूबसूरत है....!!❤
मैने कह दिया कि, बारिश के बाद अक्सर मौसम सुहाना हो जाता है....!!❤

Somebody said,”Your eyes are very beautiful!” I replied,”The weather becomes pleasant after it has rained....!”

❤तूम लाख दुआ कर ले मुझसे दूर जाने की मेरी....!!
दुआ भी उसी खुदा से है तुझे करीब लाने की....!!❤

You plead before me to go away from me...... I pray to God to bring you near me.....

हम तो पागल है, जो शायरी में ही दिल की बात कह देते है, 
 लोग तो गीता पे हाथ रखके भी सच नहीं बोलते !!

In a sentimental mood, I speak out every feeling that arises in my heart. People do not tell the truth even after putting their hand on the Gita! (I am so loyal to my love!)

मेरे नाम पे उसकी आँखों में आँसू ?? उफ्फ़.... 
ना कर मज़ाक दोस्त इस बात पे जान भी जा सकती हैं..!!

“(Did you say she had) Tears in her eyes at the mention of my name...? Oh my brother, please don’t make fun of me.... I may die if this really ever happens...!”

तेरी सिर्फ एक निगाह ने खरीद लिया
हमे बड़ा गुमान था कि हम बिकते नही !!

She bought me for free at the very first glance. I was under this pride that I could never be sold !!

 🟎💦 हमको इतना बुरा भी ना समझो तुम...!!
दर्द लिखने की आदत है, देने की नहीं.....!! 💦*

Please do not call me so bad. I am in habit of writing down my pangs, not giving them to anyone....

 ✷होती होंगी तुम्हारे पास ज़माने भर की डिग्रियां,*
किसी की छलकती आँखों को न पढ़ सको तो अनपढ़ हो तुम... ✷

You may be having a lot of university degrees. But if you cannot read the tears in someone’s eyes, you are illeterate.

फुरसत 🙇 में ही याद 🙋 कर लिया करो हमें,
दो पल मांगते हैं पूरी 🌷 जिंदगी तो नहीं !! 

Just remember me at your own leisure. I am asking for just two moments, not my whole life.

चल चलें किसी ऐसी जगह जहाँ कोई न तेरा हो न मेरा हो
इश्क़ की रात हो और... बस मोहब्बत का सवेरा हो..!!*❤❤

Come, let’s go to a place where no one is yours or no one is mine. Just the place where the night is full of love and where there will be a dawn of love..

 ✷शायरी वही सही होती है जिसे पढ़ कर दिल को यूँ लगे कि,
अरे हाँ....! यही बात तो हम कहना चाहते थे...!!*😋

A true piece of shayari is the one, after reading which you feel...... Good heavens! I, too, wanted to say the same thing..!!!

❤आशियाने बनाए भी तो कहाँ जनाब....!!
जमीनें महँगी हो चली है और दिल में लोग जगह नहीं देते...!!❤

My dear friend, tell me, where to build a house nowadays? The land is getting costlier day by day and no one gives place in their hearts....!

*दुआ हैं हमारी.......
जिन्दगी में हर रोज वो चेहेरां मुस्कुराता मिले...
जिस चेहेरे को आप रोज आइने में देखते हो...!! *

My sincere prayers to the Lord…… May you always come across the smiling face which you look in the mirror everyday!

*❤ ये दिल न जाने क्या कर बैठा..
मुझसे बिना पूछे ही फैसला कर बैठा.. ❤

Oops! What has my heart done this? It took the decision without asking me!!

💦 नाराज हमेशा खुशियां ही होती हैं…
गमों के कभी इतने नखरे नहीं रहे !! 💦

It is the joys only which only complain ..... always.... Sorrows don’t present so many tantrums!!

💐💐साथ कुछ पलों का और यादें सालो साल की....!! . ऐ इश्क़, तेरी यही अदा मुझे बहुत बुरी लगती है....!!!! 💐💐

Association of a few moments and memories of a lifetime...O Love, I have complaints against this mime of yours....

*❤😔"मोहब्बत की अदालत में इंसाफ कहाँ होता है...!!
सजा उसी को मिलती है जो बेगुनाह होता है !!"

Where is the justice in the court of love? Only the innocent (sinless) are penalized here.

“ फर्क बहुत है तेरी और मेरी तालीम मे,
तूने उस्तादों से सीखा है और मैने हालातों से”

My dear friend, there is much difference in the way you and I have been trained... You have been trained by the experts and I, by the trials (that life offers).