weight loss - before and after

    If there is a journey where going up the hill is easier than going down, it is the journey to obesity. Most people think so, but this is not true. In fact, if you happen to find the right way, the journey down the hill is more enjoyable than the up journey. 90% of the aspiring weight losers give up their efforts in just two weeks; earlier they had thought that buying pricey and attractive weight loss packages would reward them with the best results. Rethink about it – Which is the logical choice to reach your destination? - Buying an expensive car and taking any wrong way or picking up any ordinary vehicle and taking the right path?

   One need not fight tooth and nail (you may have to fight your tongue, though 😏) or go into overdrive to lose excess weight. You have gained weight at home and you can lose weight at home. Your body has already started the process of discarding your excess fat in a natural manner; what you need to do is to assist yourself and not invite any unnecessary impediments (which we all do) in the natural process of weight loss.

   This step-by-step guide will lead you to your destination in a steady and scientific way.

STEP 1 – Find Out Your Health Score

   Health Score is an indicator of the state of your health. You can calculate it by going through Health Score Calculator guide, it takes hardly ten minutes. If your Health Score is above 50, you will find it easier to reach the target, it is a matter of time when accompanied by the right choice of food and activity. If your Health Score is between 25 and 50, you will have to make certain changes to your routine so that when your Health Score goes above 50, you will be well set on your journey. If your Health Score is less than 25, you will have to reduce your weight under medical supervision. This guide is not for you. 

   STEP 2 – Study the Type of Your Activity and Diet

   It involves a bit of simple mathematical calculations. Our food is like a prepaid mobile pack. If we don't spend the pack that we receive, a certain balance will go on accumulating in the form of fat. The body has no validity. Go through this Calorie Count Calculator Guide. While choosing the exercise, choose one from lower down the group as your body permits, and while choosing the food, settle upon the one from higher up the category as your tongue permits. When the calorie difference between your food and activity touches 500 calories, rest assured, your weight loss will be at a rate of 2 pounds (1 kg) every week. If it goes beyond 500 calories, weight loss will be even faster. 

   STEP 3 – A Habit Which is Must

   Make it a habit to refer to this Food-Calorie-Chart every now and then you consume a new food item. You never know what you are eating might be a calorie bomb. Bookmark this page on your mobile for your ready reference. It's a pity we inquire into the cost of every item we buy, but never bother to look for the calorie value of a food item we eat. Once you are familiar with the calorie values of usual and unusual food items, it will help you naturally to apply a break on your unhealthy food choices. 

   STEP 4 – Stay Motivated

People who have reduced their weight successfully have given certain useful tips which worked for them. Those tips are interesting as well as valuable. Go through this - what is common to successful weight losers. These are people who have had slip-ups and they, too, succumb to cravings and binges. But they rose back up again and achieved their goal. These tips will keep you motivated.

"Close to a billion people - one-eighth of the world's population - still live in hunger. Each year, two million children die from malnutrition. This is happening at a time when doctors in Britain are warning of the spread of obesity. We are eating too much while others starve."
                                                                               - Jonathan Sacks

   When everything falls in the right place, there is no reason why weight loss and curing related disorders like diabetes mellitus shouldn't be a reality and not just remain a mere dream. 


  सत्यम्, शिवम् और सुंदरम् की परिभाषा युगों युगों से जिसने दुनिया को सिखायी, क्या ऐसे सनातन धर्म के आप भी चहिते हैं ? क्या हमारे देश की संस्कृति, परंपरा, सभ्यता एवं हमारी आधुनिक वैज्ञानिक उन्नति का आपको अभिमान है ? तो जुड जाए इस Telegram ग्रुप से जिसका नाम है - हम हिंदुस्तानी. CLICK TO JOIN



  1. A very descriptive and well-written post regarding weight loss!👍👍 Not as usual other weight loss related posts. I come to know about many unknown facts from this post. Like, the link given about Health Scale Calculator, there one question is how we can test our breathing during rest? This is really informative!😊

    1. One inhalation + one exhalation = one breathing cycle. No of breathing cycles per minute is your breathing rate. A lower breathing rate indicates good cardio-pulmonary health.

  2. A very informative post regarding weight loss.A proper guide for those who seriously want to loose their weight. Just follow the steps given in this post and you will see the change soon. i have read many post regarding weight loss but this one is best:y

  3. Great article and so many useful resources. I’ll be using your Calorie Count Calculator and the Food-Calorie Chart. I want to lose somewhere between 15 and 20 pounds and I’d like to do it in a healthy manner. I think, regulating your calorie intake and exercising is just the right way to go. With the help of your blog I’m sure I’ll succeed on my weight-loss journey!

  4. I want to lose at least 10 pounds and i hope this helps! I love how organized you made this article. Thanks! Will keep you updated with the results

  5. Great Article. I've been trying to lose weight for a while now. I love how organized this is. Will keep you updated about my journey.

  6. This Product changed my life. I now know why some of my problems kept staying, even after trying many times to get rid of. I always kept my focus on the things i dont want no more. I feel new energy!!

    1. You are one out of many who got benefited . =D:

  7. Really great article for everyone. If anyone try this tips then must be get awesome results. :)
    Everyone should focus on this things.

  8. This is really good advice. I have struggled with my weight for years and I could never understand what I am doing wrong. It would go down, then up, then down, then up! I am not nearing my heaviest weight for a second time and I want to change once and for all. I will follow these tips and report back in 2 months!


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