"Is it possible to do waterproofing in the rainy season?" this is one of the most commonly asked questions, especially by those whose roofs leak during rains. And the most commonly received reply is - No, you can't do waterproofing during monsoon.

  This happened in our case, too, when our ceiling started to leak in mid-July. Unable to receive any positive reply even from professionals, we decided to give Dr Fixit a try ourselves and the result we got has been satisfactory so far. In this article, I am going to share with you how we employed Dr Fixit solution when it was raining in and out.

   It all started three years back when I noticed that a part of the ceiling had started showing signs of dampness in a corner. As the rain continued, the area of dampness on the ceiling also started to increase in size. At many places, the color peeled off and flakes started to fall down on and off. Over the next two years, it deepened further, the affected area continued to widen and water started to leak drop by drop. We tried to summon the waterproofing workers but all denied saying that waterproofing is not possible when the rain is active outside. This year, it was the worst. The ceiling continued to leak 24x7. It was time to take things into our own hands. I consulted a person who had done waterproofing during a building construction project. He suggested Dr Fixit Pidicrete URP, a popular product of Pidilite Industries and explained the procedure in brief with practical demonstration on a small area of the floor.

  With our minds filled with hope and doubt, we completed our water proofing project in less than 24 hours with great results. The leakage stopped after 24 hours! I am sharing the procedure step-by-step here for the benefit of all with the photos taken during the actual procedure we did, especially for those whose life has become difficult due to leaking roofs in rainy season.

   First, foremost and most important, you will have to erect a temporary shade (using tarpaulin, plastic or old flex boards) on your terrace to cover the area of the roof on which you want to waterproof. The purpose is to prevent the rainwater from reaching the area under treatment.

   Get the following required materials from a hardware shop: A can of Dr Fixit Pidicrete URP 1 kg, scrubbing brush, white cement 1 kg, 5" paint brush for applying the solution, old cotton cloth for mopping and drying, and one small plastic bucket. (This is enough to cover an area of around 10 ft x 10 ft or 100 sq ft. It won't cost you more than 650 Rs)

Dr fixit pidicrete and other material for waterproofing

   The best time to do waterproofing is when the slab is half wet and the leakage has not yet started. This creates a favorable situation for Dr Fixit to percolate through the roof which is already holding some water inside it.

STEP-1: Usually, this area through which water seeps down lies directly above the leaking area in your room below. Observe the surface. Is it smooth or cracked? Is it irregular with multiple small pits and depressions? Is there water logging due to uneven surface? Are the shoots of peepal or banyan trees growing nearby? Thus, cracks, crevices, depressions, irregular surface and growing plants create a favorable condition for rainwater to accumulate and seep through down.

   Clean the floor of the terrace using the scrubbing brush. Scrub the area under treatment well to remove dirt, accumulated algae etc. Wash it with water.

STEP-2: Dry the cleaned surface as much as possible using any old cotton cloth.

STEP-3: First Coat: Pour around 250 ml (25% of the can) of Dr Fixit Pidicrete URP liquid into the bucket. Add equal quantity of water. Apply this milky white solution on the dried surface with the 5" brush. You can even pour the solution sumptuously on the cracks and in the pits. Allow it to soak through the slab. After some time, the surface turns blue. The timing differs according to the season. In dry weather, this happens within just 20 minutes. In rainy or humid weather, it may take around 2 or 3 hours to turn the coat blue. In our case, it took 2 hours.

First coat of Dr Fixit Pidicrete URP
First coat turns blue after drying. Note the irregular surface.

STEP-4: Second Coat: Make a paste of white cement using water and fill all the pits, cracks and depressions with it so that the surface becomes even and smooth. Allow it to dry. It may take one full day.

STEP 5: Third Coat: In the bucket, mix Dr Fixit Pidicrete URP + water + white cement in the proportion 2:1:1. Apply the final coat with the brush. Is there any toilet or bathroom nearby on the terrace where there are cracks in the joints of its tiles? Apply this coat there, too. That's it! Allow it to dry.

Final coat of Dr Fixit Pidicrete URP
The final coat. Note the smoothness.

     Now let it dry under the protection of a shade. The rain won't harm our project although the air can keep circulating. 

Shade covering the waterproofed area
The side view

    You will notice that, just after the second coat, the leakage gradually slows down and finally stops. Although the dampness and humid air delays drying, it is worth trying to earn yourself a peaceful sleep for not more than 650 Rs! 

   I wish I had done this procedure three years back when the leakage started, I would have slept much better....!