Every relationship is unique and special. It could be a relationship with your student or a relationship with a pet or a plant, or even a relationship with any non-living object which has served for years. The father-daughter relationship is
said to be one of the most loving ones. It is a bond fostered by the tender thread of unconditional love. Although I have never experienced it, I came across a very touching and heartfelt revelation of a father while getting his daughter married and sending her to another family in a local newspaper. I translated it and hereby sharing with you:

   "I am so happy; my daughter is tying knots with your family. One flowering plant is being replanted in another garden. On this occasion, as every father longs, I wish to tell something to your family. But, I am afraid, doing so would be inappropriate because she is now getting married and she is going to be a member of your family now. I do not have any displeasure about this. On the contrary, my daughter's priority should be your family. Now, we have no reins in our hands, now we are the witnesses, spectators from the back seat. But, we do have a request – Keep her happy!

   I'm sure, you would keep her happy. Perhaps, she will be happier with you than she was with us. I wish her to remain eternally happy, just like every father does. So, I beg you again and again that you keep her in good spirits. She was never a burden to me. In fact, she was the smile on my lips, my very breath and blessing of my heart. She still is and always will be. But I am getting her married because we have to honor our customs and our traditions. I am helpless before the culture! But this I assure you, all these years she was frolicking in her nest and now she will spread light in your house, too. I have nurtured her out of my blood and sweat, she is in her prime now. Now she will take care of you, love everyone, give the warmth of her heart's affection to all. In the exchange, I ask for just one small thing – Keep her happy!

   Suppose, if you ever thought that my daughter has said something wrong or if she has made a mistake, then I do not mind if you get angry. But do so with utmost love and care because she is so tender! When she is disappointed, give her your shoulder for support. Tend to her and look after her every now and again, she needs it. Take care of her when she falls ill. If she fails to fulfill her responsibility, reprimand her firmly, but be sympathetic to her. She is still learning, try to understand her. Please, keep her happy!

   Now I have to train myself to live without her. Now I have to practice not to feel it when I am not able to meet her for several months. Please permit me to talk to her on the phone whenever she desires. I will still be happy even if she forgets me altogether. Now my life has only one purpose, and that is the joy of my daughter. It lies in your hands now to keep giving it to her. That’s why I plead you – Please keep her happy!

   My dearest son-in-law, these words of mine may not carry any importance or meaning to you. But I am sure, when you become a father, you will know the value of these words. At that time, your heart will say just these words with every beat – Please keep her happy! Please keep her happy…!!"
