Narrated by Dr. Muhammad Ali, India

Amma Amritanandamayi blessing her kid

   I was filthy rich and used to roll in money. I had money to burn and I had fallen prey to alcohol and smoking. I was a slave to untamed passions and lust which drove me crazy, I must confess. Boozed up and drunk, many times my friends brought me home after an evening's indulgence. I had lost my nerve, spirit and fortitude. I lacked the mental strength to fight my cravings. I had lost all my mental peace. All my attempts to de-addict myself went up in smoke and I was sure,

at least in this life, there was no way out of this addiction for me. In spite of all the silk and dazzle I owned, there wasn't a trace of happiness in my life.

   In 1995, Amma came to my city. My well-wishers insisted upon me to come and attend her program. I protested. I had no belief in so-called saints and gurus. For me, spirituality was for those who were weak and superstitious. When they forced too much, I gave in. The moment I arrived there, my heart was filled with a sublime peace I hadn't experienced before. Amma was singing a bhajan which verily described the state of mind I was going through. It read like this- "O my mind! There is no one your own in this world. Yet, you are wasting your time in meaningless pursuits. Don't get lured and distracted by the worldly pleasures and forget the Holy Mother."


   I was moved to hear these words. Still, I had no inclination to approach Amma. In fact, I was getting restless to smoke! But my friend prevailed upon me and he forced me to stand in the queue. My heart started pounding as we drew near. Amma receives everyone by hugging and people wait for hours to have this divine experience. But why would she accept a sinner like me? But that destined moment did come which changed my life forever and ever. Amma embraced me in her motherly love and murmured into my ears, “My son, I know you are restless and frustrated. Don't worry, Amma is with you."

   I sobbed like a child. Surprisingly enough, Amma made me sit beside her on the stage. Tears were uncontrollable, I let them flow. No power in the world could have stopped them, anyway.

   That evening, I went home without consuming alcohol. My craving was subdued. Members of my family were surprised. I again went the next day with them to see Amma. When my turn came, Amma said to me, “My son, if you take one step towards me, I will take a hundred steps towards you. I know how difficult it is to overcome old habits."

   The transformation that occurred within me over the next few days and weeks was unbelievable. The change was palpable not only to me but to everyone I met. Not only did cigarettes and alcohol kiss me goodbye, I couldn't even bear anyone sitting close to me smoking. I lost my desire to eat meat and became a vegetarian. I got my solace back which I had lost in the whirlwind of material desires. I wonder, divine help is ever ready to uplift us, it is available 24 hours, seven days a week, one needn’t spend a penny for it, yet how easily we tend to ignore it. I am one of those many fortunate souls whose lives have been transformed by Amma's divine benedictions. The blinkers covering my eyes have been cast off and I got a new vision. Different people have different experiences with Amma, including some incredible ones. Amma’s words and her life is the beacon for those, whose souls are lost in darkness.

   All in all, my journey from spirit to spirit was a thrilling one!

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