The key to the melody of any raga based song is the tonal geometry of its essence. The manifestation of the beauty and bliss of that raga totally depends on it. Gone are those golden days when musicians were well versed in translating the aesthetic demands of the soul into the melodies by the skillful application of a raga. Ragas befit particular times and particular seasons and particular mental states. They are capable of expressing various emotions like Joy, exuberance, love, devotion, longing, dejection, tenderness, compassion, philosophy, tranquility, nostalgia, separation and reunion, uncertainty, contemplation, self-narration, remorse, restlessness, wavering mind, vivacity and much more. Ragas affect the blood levels of hormones which are closely coupled with human emotions. In these two articles, we are going to immerse ourselves into those ragas which reach the height of their melodic beauty and majestic splendor in the evening, a time when the long shadows of loneliness come closing in from all directions and the poetry pours out effortlessly on the paper as you look at the distant blinking star.

Note: It takes a little while to play the song after you click on the play button. This depends upon the speed of your internet connection. Hang around a little and keep this background in mind. Enjoy yourself!

Songs: Late Evening Ragas

Late Evening Ragas and Associated Songs

Shuddha Kalyan

   Shuddha Kalyan is a combination of two ragas Bhupali and Kalyan. Therefore, it is also known as Yaman kalyan. You will meet people who have traveled all their life, had a lot of playmates to occupy with, still their greatest plight is loneliness, they couldn't escape it. You will also come across individuals who remained confined, enjoyed solitude and never felt lonely. They had love blossomed in their life. It didn't matter whether it was divine love or empirical love, it was there. When it was there, they were in seventh heaven, when it disappeared, an intense longing surfaced. This feeling finds a wonderful expression in raga Shuddha Kalyan. This type of loneliness typically appears in the evening amidst the tormenting memories of the past. Loneliness is fine but you need someone there to tell you that it is fine! No medicine in the world can allay it, except the presence of your beloved. Crawl into the lonely spaces between the notes of Sudha Kalyan and perceive their earnest, heart-wrenching appeal.

Tilak Kamod

   The birds have left the tree which was once laden with fruits and flowers. The tree is now engrossed in those lovely memories. Spring returns and some of the birds are back. Now the tree is impatient to tell how it missed them. Both these situations are a perfect ambiance for raga Tilak kamod. One cannot live without memories; they beat inside us like a second heart. This moment is too painful if those memories were sweeter, you miss them. This moment is equally painful, no matter how bitter they were, you will never wish to let them go, once you were a part of them. They are your only companions during your loneliness regardless of howmuchever they deepen your isolation and longing. Time cannot erase the pages written by memories which remain there for ages in everyone's heart. You can't tear them apart or they will tear you, you can't burn them out for they will, in turn, burn you. In the twilight of the evening, the book of memories opens itself to haunt a person. Forgetting things is more difficult than remembering. At the end of the day, you realize that you are but a mere puppet in the hands of destiny. Things you cherish, disappear from your life without your permission and they as well come back without your permission changing forms.


   The tonal ascents and descents (aroha and avaroha) provide a full scope for human emotions to be expressed. It will remind you of a fountain which suddenly springs up from its normal pattern or that of a bird which effortlessly encircles the sky during its unrestricted flight before gliding down on a branch of a tree. These emotions sprout from a broken heart or a delighted one. Emotions dominate over logic. You can't ignore them, no matter how biting or pleasant they are. There is something beautiful in revealing sadness also. It is no less beautiful than unveiling yourself in bliss. There are certain things which cannot be expressed in words and there are certain things which can't remain silent. Such things find their best revelation in the melodious tunes of the ragas. Raga Tilang is one of the best examples of that.




   How sublime could happiness be? It could be as sublime as Raga Yaman can divulge. How much can exalted happiness elevate your mind? It can elevate as high as raga Yaman can take you. This evening will go down memory lane as it is going to leave an indelible impression on your mind. You were in the rapturous pool of emotions which has been conceived as a result of a memorable blend of medley of emotions like containment, serenity, affection, admiration, assurance and a promise to see your beloved again. The evening rays that were smiling with the setting sun, have endorsed your promise in a prophetic way. Moreover, your heart felt more tranquil than the thousand stars put together. As the sun set into the womb of the sea to be born again the next day and the breeze blew to cool your soul, you felt you had reached the destination you were searching for all your life. As long as raga Yaman remains, love will remain, satisfied or full of complaints! Plug into the following songs and let Yaman gently move a feather over your soul. It is one of those merciless ragas which will make you restless with its sibylline touch.


   Raga Desh has many similarities with Tilak Kamod. Both these ragas find their origin in folk songs. Desh covers the entire octave. Swift ascent and leisurely descent are characteristics of the raga. Because of these characteristics, it is capable of expressing a range of emotions like patriotism, self- narration, introspective mood, heartbroken state of mind and a playful romantic state as well. The full-blooded, zealous expression of this raga is as beautiful as that of light-hearted courtship. In the examination, there are questions with one-sentence answers and some questions with descriptive answers. Raga Desh is like expressing through a long descriptive answer. It requires the backdrop of other ragas for its full manifestation. The musicians and singers are capable of using it to their full dexterity and aptitude. You can't ask for more. As you listen to the songs below, the changing hue and moods of the raga Desh will unfold before you like the colorful evening sky on the horizon.


   A love affair is in the Bloom. It may be a love affair between two mortals under the sun and moon or it could be a spiritual love between God and his worshiper. What happens when this love starts running downhill and your call comes back unreciprocated? There are various stages your mind will pass through. With hopes held high, you try your best and leave no stone unturned. When all your endeavors are reduced to dust, you start worrying. Before you break down, you plead, pray, beg and beseech. Finally, you end up in depression. The soft, imploring notes of raga Kedar provide a perfect cast for expressing the state of the heart which is worrying before giving way, a state of mind when your hope is running out and the despair is on the horizon sneaking in slowly. When you stumble over the words- please... please..., take help of raga Kedar! Did you notice how the soft, malleable intonations of this raga pluck the chords in your heart when they pitch up with utmost earnestness? Moreover, the darkness which comes creeping in after the sun has set, adds to its magnitude leaving a scratch on your mind. Enjoy these tracks.
* In film songs, you can't always expect a classical representation of a raga. They do take their liberties but you do get very close to how it feels.


   What is common between waves, butterflies, children and puppies? Well, all four of them never move in a straight line (although they are very straight and their heart!). They always move harmonically up and down, oscillating, vacillating, frolicking, capering and a lot of shilling-shalling, just akin to the notes of raga Durga. The name may not match the mood. As far as film songs are concerned, this raga is used in pieces. A full song with Durga manifestation is uncommon. The raga which actually depicts the golden period of childhood is used by the grown-ups to celebrate their light romantic mood. (although they walk in a straight line, they may not be straight at their hearts!!) It is a night raga but its melody doesn't wane a bit when heard in the morning or anytime.


   The day is over. What started off as a dream has now wound up in a memory. A pawn in the hands of your destiny, you are sitting alone with a glass of your favorite drink ☺, staring in the void. What bubbles from your heart up on your lips is raga Jaijaiwanti. Jaijaiwanti is a perfect combination of darkness, loneliness, memories and you. It goes very close to a gazal. You dress the bruises as you address your memories or you caress the roses as you express them until they fade out in the thin air. Soak yourself up in the following tunes.

   Did you like this collection? Wait! Here is more for you:-

     * Golden Melodies on Early Morning Ragas
     * Golden Melodies on Late Morning Ragas
     * Golden Melodies on Early Evening Ragas     
     * Golden Melodies on Early Night Ragas
     * Golden Melodies on Late Night Ragas
     * Golden Melodies based on Raga Pahadi


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