Hello :)
   Can human soul live without nature and music? Do you value the relationship that trees, animals, birds, oceans and the stars have with us? Are you hurt when this relationship is threatened by any means? This blog is intended to spread a powerful message to strengthen love with anything that is a part of this Cosmos and an awareness to implement eco-friendly technology as much as possible. It is also intended to fill every moment of life with color, smile, music and a meaning. Your valuable opinion is most welcome under every article of this blog! Or, keeping nationality, religion, sect, ego and money aside, just login somewhere to say only - Hello, to express your solidarity to spreading this message around.

   Thank you!

  Dear SouMinHearBo,

   Welcome home! I mean, welcome to the homepage of this website. Don't scurry around to look up this musically sounding strange word in a dictionary. You won't find it; if you do, that will be a big coincidence.

   We are all sou-min-hear-bos. Every one of us. We are all a combination of Soul, Mind, Intelligence, Heart and the Body. The imperishable soul leads the archive and the perishable body stands last. In 'souminhearbo', 'hear' doesn't represent a physical heart, but that which is a seat of feelings. And, this pentad includes 'intelligence', too, cleverly disguised among all the five siblings. (Those who are intelligent must have noticed this!) Obviously unobvious, it is always a big question whether the intelligence is always present in every souminhearbo or not. I seriously doubted this in my own case when my username and password got their fields exchanged while logging in or when I realized that one cannot pass through the transparent glass door of a shop or when I lost the key after locking the cupboard with the duplicate one still inside....!

   A unique blend of souminhearbo means a different personality, always. All of us, except those who are asleep, are constantly knocking themselves out to nurture their soul, mind, intelligence, heart, body. Majority of us do so mainly for the body and petty physical things. Very few strive to mold their souminhears. Siddhartha became the Buddha when his soul evolved to the greatest extent, Gonxha Agnes became Mother Teresa after her heart expanded to encompass the entire humanity, Isac became Sir Isac Newton because his intellect reached awful heights, Zydrunas Savickas became the Giant Crusher or an icon of strength because his muscles crushed old records and created new ones. Irrespective of the province these people have conquered, whether it be the province of the soul or mind or intelligence or heart or that of the body, these extra-ordinary people had certain things in common. What are those? The most important thing is, they never listened to their mind, they trained their minds to listen to them. A turning point breezed in at some point of time in their life, whereupon the urge to achieve 'something' started coming from within and it lasted eternally. We, too, get many urges but they hit from outside and fade away after a while.

   On this blog cum website, you can reap the harvest in all four seasons! Wayword will walk you through some engaging English linguistics, Heart Vibes will feature some appealing real life stories, under Coffee Table there is no limitation of any topic, Hello Doctor is all about health, Pilgrimage will inspire one to undertake inner journey soulwards and Slideshows to spice up all. It is a matter of everyone's inclination which pastures to choose to graze in because the possibilities are endless and our efforts may affect many. Let us be the masters of our minds, slaves of our hearts and friends of our senses, so that a river of continuous joy will start flowing through our souls.
  There is an ancient Hindu verse which says:  Everyone is a house with four rooms - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Most of us tend to live in one room most of the time but, unless we go into every room every day, even if only to keep it aired, we are not a complete person.

   Hopefully, visitors to this website will always stumble upon the tidbits which may help to uplift their souls, enrich their minds, touch their hearts, heal their bodies and illumine their lives.